[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

You already have an entire vocabulary for solar time (sunrise, morning, noon, evening, sunset, night, midnight). This being all of a sudden assigned to a different time on a clock does not change things in any dramatic fashion. It would also be a consistent change for your current location, guarantee it only takes you less than a work week to acclimate.

All the things you've described I've literally been doing for 6 months now. It is not a noticable difference and does not impact me.

Also, a book that says "it was 5 o'clock" is objectively more boring than one that describes the shadows of twilight blanketing the scene in a checkering of shadow. Also TV shows show outside, where solar time is visibly apparent. The specific time is not nearly as relevant.

Also, you already look up time zones when scheduling international meetings, and those aren't going to tell you about siestas or other local practices which might affect scheduling. Maybe just actually ask the person what times will work when trying to schedule, and now since you're both using UTC, you both can figure it out together without looking up timezones.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Adoption. Community building. Helping the disenfranchised.

These are all methods of bettering the future without pumping another child into this world. And arguably, they're morally better than having a child.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I agree that bringing life into the world is morally bad. I also agree that eating other animals is morally bad, as is killing, always. However, that does not mean we should not do these things at times. You just need to understand that you are still committing an immoral act for personal gain. There is no such thing as a perfectly moral existence, as the world is a cruel place which cares little about morality and often forces you to be immoral. You should instead work towards being as moral as in out can when you can, and accept that sometimes morality is out of your hands.

In the case of the child: you are bringing a human consciousness kicking and screaming into this world you know to be dangerous and cruel. That is immoral, and you did it either by failing precaution, or out of personal want or instinct. I think to repent, you are morally obligated to give that child a good life at minimum and ideally the best life you can. You are beholden to them until they can live on their own happily, and you are obligated to help them even after that. I also think that if that child resents how you've cared for them, you have no grounds to hold that against them, as you were the one that forced them into this world.

If you cannot do the above, you are should reconsider whether you are fit to have a child.

It is also arguable that to do justice without injustice, the only option is to adopt or guide another person who has no one providing things they need, and I don't think this kindness should be limited to children but children are the most vulnerable.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

I view it as sidelining cars to improve public transportation.

  • First thing is to eliminate and revise public zoning laws and removing parking minimums. This causes change the slowest but is the most important to start since it will lead to denser population centers, and parking garages can be closer to residence.
  • Second move I think is to eliminate extra lanes and trim road widths. This leads to driving being something that takes more focus and is slower. This also frees space for bike lanes and even dedicated bus lanes.
  • Slowly phase out free parking across the city. Start with spots directly next to crosswalks so that there is better visibility of pedestrians crossing. Then focus on bus routes to free a dedicated lane when possible. This discourages driving since there's fewer chances you'll be able to park close to the place you are going.
  • While this is occurring, you should be introducing public transit as it becomes feasible. More buses or trams, guarded bike lanes, etc.
  • MAINTAIN YOUR PUBLIC TRANSIT!! As trains and buses fall into disrepair the number of people willing to ride it will drop off. Also keep the bike lanes and sidewalks clear and smooth.

That's what I've got. It takes decades to break down this infrastructure for new stuff. You also need the to be having accessibility in mind whenever you are thinking about installing public amenities or removing infrastructure.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Material phase changes are like a cheat code for humanity. Reusable chemical handwarmers are also black magic. You just click a metal plate inside and all of a sudden it's a hot solid.

NightHawkInLight made a video showing how you can mix two different salts together and it'll create a packet that stays at 65 degrees for hours.

Video in question

[-] [email protected] 53 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

The election will pan out how it'll pan out. I'm voting for Biden so I can give my friends the best chance we can get them.

I am not just voting, though, and you shouldn't stop at voting either.

Start working towards unionizing your workplace if you can. Join the IWW for training and networking (literally any worker can join).

Join and support any kind of solidarity network in your town you can (tenant unions, volunteer security details, food distributors, etc.) Hell, start one with your friends if there isn't one.

Participate in protests and public shows of solidarity. Don't back down.

Help the homeless. They've completely lost their voices and are constantly under attack by NIMBYs and cops, and it's likely that many people you know right now will be in their position in the future, especially if Trump's Elected.

Right now, 'the revolution' would never come. US citizens are atomized and divided, by highways, suburban sprawl, parking lots, hostile architecture, and the constant crushing weight of capitalist responsibilities. We've got to rebuilt the networks of solidarity we had during the union wars. That's the best way forward to a better US. Unionize, uplift your fellow workers, and keep pushing against the oppressors.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 2 months ago

The shackles of sexism, racism, and homophobia do not simply fall off when you accept class consciousness. These are still fights for awareness which must continue to be fought. Otherwise, we risk allowing toxic mentalities into our midst, which will only serve to alienate and expel our minority brethren.

The cages built by the state which cordon us off from one another exist in the mind, but they are very real in impact. We must fight by destroying the cages in each of our thoughts, and pass our knowledge to others so they can do the same. That is the only means to stand as one.

Let's also not forget that there are very real shackles placed on many groups - many real cages - which we must work to destroy as well.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 5 months ago

Sounds like the run-of-the-mill child labour you see across the US (I consistently did this for my dad till probably about 17).

Not to forget the other type, which is migrant children working in factories illegally.

[-] [email protected] 106 points 8 months ago

NGL I don't like sushi but that fried sushi looking pretty appetizing.

[-] [email protected] 56 points 10 months ago

I've been running a galaxy S9 for years and have never run into a bottleneck with it.

Why do y'all keep needing more and more power packed into your phones? It doesn't make any sense to me.

[-] [email protected] 111 points 10 months ago

You're walking on a path. That's traceable. Beginner mistake

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