
joined 2 years ago
[–] Ironfist 5 points 1 day ago

I know, but it feels like all around the world politicians are trying to appease this rapist mf instead of telling on his face what he is. The only way these tyrants remain in power is when people remain silent.

[–] Ironfist 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I love the meme but what is that QR code for?

[–] Ironfist 29 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Damm it feels good to hear politicians with a backbone telling those fascists what they are. We need more of this.

[–] Ironfist 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Dont let this post speak for all Canadians. I personally appreciate every single one of you american brothers who are against these fascist regime. We fucked them up in 1945 and we will do it again!

[–] Ironfist 1 points 3 weeks ago

Im normally against gun ownership, but these are not normal times, these are times to use that 2nd amendment in your constitution for what it was created.

[–] Ironfist 4 points 3 weeks ago

I dont really care, I hope people start singing this in sports events against the US.

[–] Ironfist 6 points 1 month ago
[–] Ironfist 1 points 1 month ago

Van Houtte is pretty good imo. There is also Napoleon

[–] Ironfist 4 points 1 month ago

thank you! together we stand, divided we fall!

[–] Ironfist 16 points 1 month ago

Part of me regrets to had made this post with a youtube video given the context, so I want to remind you that you can watch youtube videos without ads by using Firefox and the uBlock origin extension.


Des dizaines de millions de Canadiens, d'un océan à l'autre, sont unis. [...] Il est temps de choisir des produits canadiens, de soutenir les entreprises canadiennes, de soutenir nos agriculteurs, nos producteurs, nos travailleurs, nos entrepreneurs, nos artistes.

Justin Trudeau

[–] Ironfist 5 points 1 month ago

love 22 minutes :)

[–] Ironfist 1 points 1 month ago

this is why I dont like to dig too much into musicians lives, they always disappoint me.


Spoiler alert, last warning:

For me it was after finishing the Voodo boys questline and one of my favorite parts in the game, when V just collapsed, Johnny took care of it saving our ass and then gave V his dog tag saying he will go down if the situation ever calls for it.

After saving me, I even told him I would take a bullet for him.

But seeing this scene again in a youtube video made me realize maybe I was a bit naive back then. When V wakes up and the pills are in his hand, I thought the 1st time playing the game "yeah its normal, Johnny took them to bring me to a safe place". The 2nd time watching the video, I thought "wait a minute... maybe he was trying to continue taking them to stay in control forever?".

This is why I love this game...


I'm not judging, I'm genuinely curious. The reason why I'm asking is because in this sort of games I like to make the character resemble me as much as possible in every aspect, so I'm just curious to know what is the motivation behind men that decide to play as a female character.


This game is one of the best ones I've ever played and I love that there are motorcycles in it, but why there is not a single cruiser? There is a whole faction inspired on motorcycle clubs, the nomads and yet they dont include the key part of that culture? I want to ride a chopper blasting a lever shotgun terminator style!


This is one of the features that I like the most of Infinity for reddit because it allows me to see all the subs I like without having to login in the app.

I love Eternity btw, great work!


Il manque plus de 8000 enseignants dans le réseau scolaire et le ministre de l’Éducation est incapable de garantir qu’il y aura un « adulte » par classe à la rentrée. Pourtant, des professeurs prêts à s’atteler à la tâche attendent encore, avec impatience, que leur centre de services scolaire leur propose enfin un emploi.

La seule chose que je comprends de cette histoire c'est que M. Drainville est vraiment inutile.

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