I love the meme but what is that QR code for?
Damm it feels good to hear politicians with a backbone telling those fascists what they are. We need more of this.
Dont let this post speak for all Canadians. I personally appreciate every single one of you american brothers who are against these fascist regime. We fucked them up in 1945 and we will do it again!
Im normally against gun ownership, but these are not normal times, these are times to use that 2nd amendment in your constitution for what it was created.
I dont really care, I hope people start singing this in sports events against the US.
thank you! together we stand, divided we fall!
Part of me regrets to had made this post with a youtube video given the context, so I want to remind you that you can watch youtube videos without ads by using Firefox and the uBlock origin extension.
love 22 minutes :)
this is why I dont like to dig too much into musicians lives, they always disappoint me.
I know, but it feels like all around the world politicians are trying to appease this rapist mf instead of telling on his face what he is. The only way these tyrants remain in power is when people remain silent.