
joined 1 year ago
[–] IrateAnteater 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

In what fucking universe do you live in where only one side of a given conflict commits war crimes?

Hate to break it to you, but there are no good guys in this conflict to cheer for.

[–] IrateAnteater 71 points 7 months ago (13 children)

Probably because her crime was one that we could all kind of see ourselves doing.

Plus, as far as I remember, she didn't bitch about it or try to blame everyone else.

[–] IrateAnteater 38 points 7 months ago (27 children)

Not sure who you were listening to, but I seem to remember from the beginning that one of Israel's stated goals was to remove Hamas from power. The hostages getting released was a condition for any pauses or ceasefires.

[–] IrateAnteater 103 points 7 months ago (8 children)

What's the pay at those regional schools and community colleges? Is it enough to cover massive student debt?

What research opportunities are there at those colleges? Could it be that teaching was just a necessary evil required for the job they actually want to do?

[–] IrateAnteater 16 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I don't see anywhere that specified you wanted English names.

[–] IrateAnteater 18 points 7 months ago

They didn't stand down because Russian troops on "vacation" kept getting lost. It was an invasion from the very start.

[–] IrateAnteater 7 points 7 months ago (12 children)

One of the problems is that yellow there isn't a single guy. There's a sunset that is actually just blue guy with a different name for sky-daddy.

The Israeli government is doing what Hamas wants the power to do. I wish fundamentalists of all types would just fuck off.

[–] IrateAnteater 17 points 7 months ago

Libya had the highest HDI of Africa before NATO's "peace keeping"

Dude, at least visit Wikipedia before you argue. Lybia was an example of NATO enforcing a no-fly zone, not peacekeeping. And Lybia's HDI was back to pre-civil war levels three years ago (ie the 2021 data matches the 2013 data).

Are you going to pretend that Muammer Gaddafi was a benevolent and beloved dictator, and that there's no way Lybians would want him to fuck off all of their own?

it's hard to separate the blame of NATO and just America

No it fucking isn't. NATO lists all actions they've taken part of on their website. If the action is there, it was NATO, if it isn't, it was not a NATO action.

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