It's because thst word is incredibly derogatory towards trans and genderfluid people, henceforth it is not a proper pronoun ergo it should not be used. Please use words like they/it unless they specifically give you proper pronoun
That's just them banging ur mum 🤣🤣
Intel is not even close to dead. According to a scrutinous analysis of the sales numbers of Intel processors, they make 2 billion sales per-year, henceforth every 5 years they sell 10b processors. For comparison there are only 7-8 billion people on earth, so everyone has at least 1 Intel processor
*couldn't do math 😉😉
Why not just pay for YouTube premium🤔? It's not that much money so long as you aren't broke, and allows YouTube to make enough money to keep their servers running. So long as you aren't broke the money is worth it, imo
This post is blatant misinformation (which is a weird thing to spread misinformative content about, in my opinion. The current year as of time or writing this post is 2023. Upon scrutinous analysis by takking 2023 - 1990 / 2 which yields 22 years, which is still a long time, but henceforth is half of the amount mentioned in this post, ergo this post is false per-se. Always good to factcheck what you read on the internet