Have no idea what you mean, please cite reliable sources
Not if you use free and open source software created by the GNU and Free Software Foundation, such as GNU+Linux-Libre. In computing there are only 2 outcomes: Either the user controls the software or the software controls the user. Our community could always use more users ready to make the switch to a librebooted, free software computing environment. Check us out at https://fsf.org/
Please note: This comment is not sponsored
This sounds like a "no bitches" sort of problem 🤔🤔
Didn't ask
Ummmm the promotion of pornographic material is not allowed in the subreddit per the subreddit rules? Mods????
Advocating violence towards perhaps the only politician left who can turn the sinking american ship around and make the country great again? I'll never understand you democrats😑😑
Nice marketing stunt. However, I eat a full vegan diet so it doesnt work on me 😁😁🥦
This comment is unnecessary
Ban democrats