Why does he look so dissapointed? Nostalgia porn is gold.
joined 1 year ago
Right as they get out of their Tesla
I'm offended by them calling testicles "vulgar"
Why would I buy access to my home network?
Just say the words backdoor you fucking douchebag. What bullshit soft peddling political speech.
Their wet dream is to promote encryption toward widespread adoption and then force the major industrial players to give them back doors whilst giving people a false sense of security.
It's like Gmail but with racism!
This feels exactly like reading the Torah
Um ok... Then why is ass singular?
A pre mediated CEO hunter eating a burger?
Sorry Vance already has that post
Didn't this happen quite awhile ago? I don't see anything new in this article
He should go to prison. Filing a suit that expensive could permanently damage it