If only Photoshop and After Effects worked on Linux / Wine I wouldve switched long ago..
Theres like a bazillion movies, books and games telling us why overarching surveillance is a bad thing.
Thats all good news! When can we expect changes to come?
Schau mal nach immich. Ist ein, natürlich nicht 100% so gutes, dafür aber dafür selbst-gehostetes Google Fotos wenn man so will. Also Gesichtserkennung, Objekterkennung mit Machine Learning, all der Spaß ist dabei. Vielleicht hilft das ja.
+1 für immich! Läuft auch bei mir auf meinem Raspberry Pi4 (4GB Ram) ohne Probleme und ich kann von überall heraus darauf zugreifen.
Good luck self hosting email!
This doesn't make sense and is a good example of the prosecutors fallacy in statistics: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence
You can also use a chair to bludgeon someone to death. Should we ban chairs? I believe the good side of privacy far overcomes the bad One can do with it
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II generates over $1 billion in 10 days"
Sounds like a bit more than the 10 Million you proposed, and thats only 1 game. It wouldnt be possible to keep up with quality when returns would diminish a ton
Why not? The line has to be at a point in space, so we can just define any point on the line
Palestine strikes Israel: 22 dead (huge outcry) Israel strikes Palestine: 200 dead (nobody bats an eye)
Israel is a problematic subject with how imbalanced it is handled in media, resembling more propaganda than anything else.