Donc j'ai des thunes = je vais pas en taule? Si l'AN valide, il faudra pas se plaindre que les péquenauds prennent prétexte de la corruption politique pour justifier toutes leurs putasseries quotidiennes.
Ben voyons. Et on va féliciter Netanyahou pour sa politique du logement ? Et Xi pour sa politique commerciale? Et Putin pour sa politique culturelle?
Food waste goes to compost!
Entendu une discussion sur le sujet: ne pas utiliser "masculiniste", adjectif dont le but est d'introduire une équivalence avec féminisme, comme si les hommes avaient besoin de se libérer du matriarcat. Lui préférer le terme de "viriliste", qui décrit davantage le cadre intellectuel de la population concernée.
The issue is NOT cleaner energies. The issue is less consumption. There's no other way.
OK, thanks! As a quasi alien to the Star Trek universe, I humbly accept your explanation!
OK, now I get it! Good old capitalism strikes again
I'm out of the loop on this one but I will seize the opportunity to say all the bad things I think about that book.
First, the writing is overly complicated with no other apparent objective than to confuse the reader with extremely long and circumvented sentences.
Second, the story is constantly chopped with long and boring chapters that are solely informative on various aspects of sperm whale anatomy, ecology, behavior (riddled with dated errors andmisinterpretations), as well as whaling specifics, ranging from the work of the carpenter to the process of removing the head of whales.
The first duty of a story is to entertain, its second is to instruct. Good writers manage to do both seamlessly. Melville makes a total messout of it, breaking the fourth wall when explaining how hard it is to collect accurate information, citing his sources in the body of the texte, and completely losing the interest of the reader in the process.
I'm trying to finish it for the sake of it. It is painful.
Yeah, thanks. I'm trying.
Never take the ambulance. They will suck your money and your soul.