joined 10 months ago
[–] HANN -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Check out libertarian nomination Chase Oliver. He is very strong on anti-war. Don't vote for evil to avoid evil. Vote for someone who represents your views.

[–] HANN 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

There is no need for personal attacks. If you are implying I subscribe to conspiracy theories then you are not correct.

[–] HANN 3 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Sure, about the candidates and their stances. All the candidates manipulate the polls to make it look like their ahead and they are just used to pressure people to vote for one of the major parties. Vote for who you want in office. And if you are inclined then try to sway others. But this bandwagon appeal isn't the way.

[–] HANN 7 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Whatever happens will happen. We don't have control over the outcome only our efforts. Do what you can now to fight for what you believe. Stressing over polls doesn't help.

[–] HANN 1 points 8 months ago

Chase Oliver is the libertarian nomination and one of his common quotes is that he is "anti-war to the core". Anybody with sympathy towards Gaza should absolutely be considering voting for Chase in November.

[–] HANN 1 points 8 months ago

Chase is anti-war on all fronts.

[–] HANN 4 points 8 months ago

The party leaders incited Trump as a means to get media attention for their convention. It was not a popular choice and a lot of the delegates and party members were asking the invitation be revoked because it can send confusing signals to the rest of the world that aren't familiar with the party. Since the leaders refused to revoke the invitation the members took it upon themselves to make it clear they don't support Trump hence all the booing/heckling. There were also apparently a lot of rubber chickens that were confiscated by secret service that were going to be used as noise makers.

[–] HANN 1 points 8 months ago (5 children)

If there is freedom from a governing authority then there is no one to take away my freedom to do what I like. Sounds like two ways of saying the same thing. Maybe I miss your point.

[–] HANN 21 points 8 months ago

For a bit of context. Inviting Trump was decided on by the party leaders and was not a popular choice with most of the delegates who were worried it would send a confusing signals to people not familiar with the party. Trump was also able to sneak a lot of his MAGA supporters into the convention for the speech. They tried to sit up front to make it look like Trump was popular there but they were forced to sit in the back. So any claims about cheering should be take with some salt.

[–] HANN 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Libertarians are just like other political parties. There are different groups that subscribe the the term libertarian each with slightly different beliefs. Whatever extremists people are out there in the Internet do not represent the whole. I really suggest watching some of the 2024 libertarian debates. They are educated smart people who are informed about the complex issues like those you mentioned. This whole thread has been really eye opening for me. I had no idea people had these conceptions about libertarians. I am guessing there are a bunch of far right groups that like to identify as anarchists and throw around the term libertarian while they do. But if you listen to the rhetoric of the political party and the representatives you will see that those ideas are not held by the party as a whole.

To answer your question, libertarians are, in general, pro personal liberties and pro economic liberties. They believe the individual should get to choose. A common line they use is government should not exert force one way or the other. This means they tend to agree with Democrats on issues like race, drugs, LGBTQ etc. The people who actually get a stage in the political party are absolutely against racism, sexism etc. There was a debate recently where the candidates (about 7 primary) were Asked their stance on abortion. Most of them said they were personally pro life BUT they would still veto any bill or cut funding to any program that forced that perspective on others. Any person who goes around saying they think this and they want the government to force and regulate that disagrees fundamentally with the libertarian perspective. I said most, because one of the candidates was unapologetically pro choice. Please don't think that whatever alt right edge lords are out there actually have any idea what libertarianism is.

[–] HANN 2 points 8 months ago

Please listen to some of the 2024 libertarian primary debates available on YouTube. The views you attribute to libertarians are not accurate. Most libertarians are against the drug war and would legalize weed, none of the candidates I know of want to impose religion in schools, they are all strongly against civil forfeiture, they are generally pro nuclear energy, and most are pro choice (that one is still a bit sticky, Chase Oliver is pro choice, most of the others are personally pro life but still say they believe it should be the choice of the mother as that is maximizing liberty). These views you list are very Republican and not libertarian. We dislike trump as much as you. I don't mean to be condescending but please don't spread rumors. If there are some Internet trolls that claim to be libertarians and say those things please don't believe them. They do not represent the majority of the party.

[–] HANN 1 points 8 months ago

You can't just pick and choose which aspects of government you like.

Right, which is why libertarians what to limit government to just essentials so we have more money to choose which optional programs we take part in via the free market. People still collaborate outside of government bodies.

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