joined 5 months ago
[–] GhiLA 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

He's more than qualified. All you need to be a politician in America is capital. The actual law is typically sidestepped in favor of monetary gain. How is this any different than our usual goings-on? This is the most American thing that's happened in years.

You're still pretending the law and constitution mean a damn thing in practice. They're gonna roll it up and smoke it next year.

[–] GhiLA 2 points 2 months ago

We did elfster this year. I equate it to spending $50 on someone else, but getting $50 worth of stuff I needed.

[–] GhiLA 3 points 2 months ago

"go way, batin!"

[–] GhiLA 2 points 2 months ago

He may not be from my side of the Venn diagram but we still have the same grievances shared in the center of the graph.

[–] GhiLA 2 points 2 months ago

Hifiman one, little square. He's a nice little piece of kit. I put Rockbox on it. You lose Bluetooth but it dual boots into the stock firmware and hates my 2014 Civic anyway.

[–] GhiLA 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

My parents felt the need to occasionally sack my room for drugs, and of course, me not having any drugs around my room usually meant they didn't find any drugs.

They never thought to look in the PlayStation 2 expansion bay.

[–] GhiLA 19 points 2 months ago

Hit the protest scene in my city and start some chaos, and work off some spite.

and boy, is there some spite to work out...

On more personal goals, sell a lot of stuff and downsize, become more mobile and stockpile more cash and assets so I care a lot less about setbacks or surprise bills.

I did that! (
submitted 3 months ago by GhiLA to c/[email protected]
Bread (
submitted 3 months ago by GhiLA to c/[email protected]

You were expecting maybe steak?

What am I in for? (
submitted 3 months ago by GhiLA to c/[email protected]

So far, um... I'm playing a 90's fantasy anime and it's wholesome as shit.


I am an old school vaper from the 2013 days. I used drippers and tanks back in the day and wanted a modern equivalent. To my surprise, that scene mostly... died, but two items left in the wake are this charming little mod and this extremely dependable tank that end up with a vape somewhere between an old Kayfun tank and an XROS, while being pennies on the dollar for hardware.

Mega-Dosing (
submitted 4 months ago by GhiLA to c/[email protected]
Cadenza Review! (self.headphones)
submitted 4 months ago by GhiLA to c/[email protected]

I'd like to start out by saying I'm not an Audiophile, but I do have a few methods of getting 80% of the way there. I have some FLAC, I have a pair of open Audio Technicas I use for gaming, an old pair of Sony MDR's, and an H2 I can use as a DAC. I've also tried a pair of Grado sr80s and I've tried portapros and owned HD555's for like a decade.

Cheap stuff in the Audiophile realm, but hey, it works.

These things are mid-treble heavy, with punchy bass, detailed as hell instrumentation, but feel like a rather small, enclosed space. They are in no way echoey. If I could compare them to anything, they're like an IEM pair of Grados with more detail and less shrillness. Fantastic for Jazz, Metal, Hard Rock, anything with a good boom and some highs to send it with. Early Mastodon riffage is goooOOOOoood.

I put some Floyd through them and I felt like I had a very pleasant experience. Every instrument stood out in its own space. I put my DAC to them and quickly found out I didn't really have to, but it did bring up some of the lower bass for better or worse.

Should you buy them? I'm not entirely sure. They were $35. I'm sure something... $70 might knock the pants off of these, and some might say "Well it already stands with $70 offerings". It may, I don't deny that Sennheiser iems probably aren't good. The trick is figuring out which of the few million Chinese ones are just as decent. Threading the needle with Ai Amazon reviews and Audiophile influencers gives you a weird mix of truth and lies and you kinda have to sort it out for yourself.

But, if this brand pulls this off at $35, imagine $70, and that's where I'm aiming next. These will become my new Steam Deck earbuds, but for now, they're great for FLAC and enjoying my music. They're quite fun sounding iems. Put some riffs through them and ride the rollercoaster.


One day, I tossed some MAXIMUM THE HORMONE, all caps because it's... how it is, into my Music folder, which just happened to have the Japanese text identifying the band.

Well Jellyfin took it in and labeled it as it does with the Japanese text. I changed it to MTH, thinking the albums would follow suit and... Albums gone.

I head back to the home screen, the albums are there, attributed to the Japanese name. I check the band name, listed under the japanese name, and there's no albums.

Then I moved everything, deleted all of the content from Jellyfin, changed the names to the English names BEFORE importing, imported it again, aaaaaaand, Japanese text.

throws NES controller

Do I have to dive into the metadata directly?


Miss Nessa is/was/occasionally semi-feral, and still has signs of it. She will not lay on a human. She'll walk over you, let you pick her up, let you pet her, but she hard-bites and has zero differentiation between play and ripping to bits. It also isn't easy to read her cues unless you're with her for a while or know her already. So, I take care of her since she can't really be around kids or the elderly, and as long as you remember her rules and keep your eye on her when petting her, she's fine, loving and chill.

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