I played on ps plus and definitely got addicted for a hot minute. Reminded me of rimworld a bit bit obviously different
I just saw manic miners on here not l9ng ago how is it? It looks fun
I definitely believe the 900
Not only does it count as a hard save but there is 25 fucking slots for quick saves by default. And you can increase it. And you can quick save and quick load in the middle of a conversation, save scumming whatever skill checks you want if you're a loser like me
Luckily I didn't lose too much progress lol I already replayed the part I was on and then some
I think he means when you're moving through their range and they can take an opportunity attack on you. I dont find the arrow hard to see but if you do miss it it doesn't confirm that you want to move through an enemy's melee range. It does cancel the movement afterward though without ending your turn or anything
I've never tried to remote play what do you need for it to work
Did you have to use wrye bash a lot? I just used it a couple times last year for skyrim I think and I've never used xedit are they pretty simple?
I'm playing a female tiefling and I was tempted just to see what all the fuss was about
Never heard of it is it very similar or just same genre
What else would I play