Et personne n'est surpris
A simple division shows you only worked an average of 5h per day out of 24. Ficsit would like to remind you that those number are not acceptable. Productivity must improve.
[...] has been removed from your wishlist.
Same here! If you need me,... don't.
9 hours in and I can confirm: on recommended difficulty, it's indeed a hard battery management game. I wanted to try the "less maintenance, more driving" difficulty level but I'll be honest: with Satisfactory full release tomorrow I don't think I'll be Star Truck-ing again anytime soon.
I don't really like this incursion in AI territory. On-device translation is OK but this AI chatbot sidebar should be an extension and not something Mozilla should spend time/money/effort on.
You must check in at least 1h before flight. Saved you a click
If you're on Firefox, take a look at the Containers extension. It helps keeping everything separated