It's OK Spotify... I already left, you don't need to convince me any more
It means that electricity shouldn't be treated as a good you can speculate on.
Exactly. Masculine
What do you thin? It's conceptually a hole that gets wet!
I've been using Linux Mint for 2 weeks now. Everything worked out of the box. No nVidia driver problem, controller works fine, can't speak for Bluetooth since I don't use it. I only scratched my head on the Joplin synchronization with my phone using Syncthing, which was fixed after maybe 10min of tinkering. Haven't rebooted to my backup windows install since. 10/10 would recommend.
Moi je trouve très facile à comprendre
Common sense.
C'est quoi la contrepartie? Ils font pas ça gratos.
Remember that for those scrooges, the line must absolutely go up!
Interesting theory. How would that work?
Aegis is nice
No thanks