Thanks so much for the info!
Oh nice, congrats! Could you share info about it? That's been my biggest barrier to dropping Windows as a gamer with many games that I enjoy using root access anti cheats.
Lemme know if you figure out how to get that working
While you can, if weak enough or the tendons aren't used to the motion you can actually cause strain and minor injuries. It depends on the person's current fitness level, but if negatives don't feel doable there's no harm starting even slower with dead hangs and scapular pulls, or even assisted/banded negatives.
If you can't do negatives safely, work on just dead hangs with core activation, and move to scapular pulls just activating the lats.
You can also try inverted rows, where you take something like a bar and do "pull ups" or rows with your feet on the ground and pulling your chest up. Search those up; it's not an exact one to one, but will help developing strength with a kind of similar motion.
Moving out of ones comfort zone is the only way to improve. Way to go.
Moving out of ones comfort zone is the only way to improve. Way to go.
Oh shit, I don't usually see you post things in this style. Great job, your use of color and light here is fantastic!
I mean it is shitty life pro tips
It's not inherently derogatory, but it does hold a connotation if you refer to women as females particularly in contexts where you wouldn't/don't refer to men as males.
How does a custom compiler make it easier to hide your tracks from the feds?
That's got my vote