Two eggs sunnyside up in a cast iron! My daily breakfast ❤️
Tattoo looks well done and I love the traditional flower element, complements the art style of the cast iron nicely
Two eggs sunnyside up in a cast iron! My daily breakfast ❤️
Tattoo looks well done and I love the traditional flower element, complements the art style of the cast iron nicely
Screenshots for you
That's what they said /j
I haven't yet :(
Psycho pass mentioned! (Do not mention season 2).
Ah man, I do wish there was a higher res version of this image. It's beautiful!
Yeah I second the other answer about a personal assistant in conjunction with therapy
Genuine questions for the purpose of discussion: should photos of spiders also be marked as NSFW for arachnophobia? What other phobias should and shouldn't be considered in this?
I do not have any genuine phobias, so I concede that I'm speaking out of my limited knowledge coming only from years of solo and group therapy for other issues, but NSFW tags are intended to block images that you wouldn't want your boss (or mom, or general public) to see you looking at due to them being sexual or otherwise inappropriate. There are a lot of things that are going to trigger phobias and other very difficult feelings for a lot of people, but I don't think it's feasible to ask that everyone accommodate all possibilities when posting images or sharing stories. I think it's a positive thing to tag content warnings in bodies of text, for example, and at the same time I think that a person that can have an extreme reaction to what is otherwise an innocuous image due to a personal issue needs to take responsibility for it.
I hope this doesn't come across as minimizing the very real struggles that people with phobias have to deal with on a daily basis, and as a whole I support making public spaces more accessible.
ETA: my understanding of a phobia is having an irrational fear so severe that it causes very real and disruptive anxiety and panic upon being exposed to the phobia. If seeing an image like this causes you discomfort or unease, but doesn't really affect you severely or impact your life negatively, is that really a phobia?
Nothing to apologize for, it's your phone and you can chose whatever font you want for it! The fact that you made an effort to add alt text was awesome and genuinely appreciated.
Oh when that happens my heart sinks and I pretend it didn't happen so I have an amorphously-shaped yolk that's considerably less runny than the other one (my go-to is two sunny side eggs)
Yours has chest hair
Hope you get a response, I'm incredibly curious about the technique here!