Wrong answers only?
A meme.
Wrong answers only?
A meme.
The wording is odd. I don't see "the coolant is infused with blood" in the article. Could just be in glass cosmetically.
Great, so you are not just an absolute moron, you're a hipster, too. Am I supposed to care?
So you are looking to cry at the top of your lungs about anything you can see, but even though Valve allowed you to play an old version of the game, you start whining that their support "isn't convenient enough"? Dota 2 went from Source 1 to Source 2, had gameplay changes, everything sans a name change, but that goes under your notice. Valve changes "CSGO" to "CS2" with a big update, and suddenly your brain overloads and you throw tantrums.
The gameplay is closer to the last version of CSGO was than that same version of CSGO to a few years earlier.
The game modes are closer to the last version of CSGO than CSGO had at launch.
Valve is still working on it, we knew not everything would be here. But, once again, you clearly don't care. You called it stupid, when I pointed out it was convenient, you just repeated that it was asinine. When I pointed out that this has more backwards compatibility than any of the other DOZENS of CSGO updates, you ignore it, because it goes against your stupid made up argument that you repeat ad nauseum, wailing like a child.
tl;dr you aren't even a troll, just a waste of space and time claiming to be a human being. Get blocked idiot, lol
They didn't really "kill" CSGO, though. You can still play it. Just no matchmaking.
Asking people to give up their skins in CSGO and go to a new game was never going to happen. Instead they made a patch and generated hype for the game as a new name, while supporting Source 1 servers. To think that if they didn't do a name change, people wouldn't be whining so much.
It's the same fucking product. It's a new engine. We've been waiting for source 2 in CS for years. Dota 2 got treatment early, and despite the toxic culture it has, it still didn't generate idiots like you. When they added the revolver did you also spend weeks whining that they removed the old CSGO and that you could never go back?
Everyone puts old builds in "betas" if they are available, so clearly not stupid- which you didn't defend, you just restated as if it was a fact. They never "took it away", they updated the game, and they left the old content available.
The fact that you think you are explaining anything while constantly spouting the lie that "they took it away" is moronic and obnoxious.
Steam still connects you to custom servers, and Valve still allows you to download the server hosting software. The part that went offline- rather, moved to CS2, was the matchmaking client.
The workarounds to WC3 require you to leave Blizzard designed software to third party support. I don't recall WC3 ever having matchmaking, but the server browser and hosted game list were taken completely.
So, not for lack of trying on Blizzard's part.
What is stupid about that solution? You don't see people whining about going to every other update over the years. Valve has made huge bounds forward, and people who want to play legacy versions of games usually have to install manually.
Left Nube... That's a city Colin Mochrie made up, isn't it?
They bundle them together because they want people to buy more. This is why the ad-free only tier disappears and it all costs more.
Keys already out
You can't beat it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Great, now there is porn here now. Welp.