I have to, my professional membership requires me to.
Mate, please go outside and touch grass. Your post history is concerning and honestly I'm wondering if you've ever actually spoken to a woman.
I don't speak Italian and Portuguese so can't comment on it...
I took him and his cat water during a very very hot summer, saw them on my way back to college during my lunch break, all before the fame too. He seemed ok at the time but that may be because I was giving him something he probably needed.
English covers hundreds of accents and multiple English speaking countries. There isn't just one pronunciation.
Nothing changes eh!
That's a pretty cool cover
I'll second sponsorblock, been using it for a while and it's made watching videos so much nicer
2 out of 10, but then I'm a Brit so I'm chuffed I got any!
I just don't believe anyone could get that high of the vote
I know right, if you could afford to do that to the interior, why on earth wouldn't you at least paint your house
You're getting down votes by the way because you've just spammed a load of articles. It would be more productive to share something you've found useful or interesting than to just repost one website