That's for Spring (rebirth, Easter), not Winter.
Christmas is for Winter, it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It came from Saturnalia, probably the most important holiday of Roman society.
That's for Spring (rebirth, Easter), not Winter.
Christmas is for Winter, it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It came from Saturnalia, probably the most important holiday of Roman society.
Sinogen... this is the stuff Chinese people are made of. That's how you create Chinese people.
I rhink dog owners should pay a tax that would pay for weekly poop cleaning.
Only new dog owners though, as to not penalize current ones.
I wish you all the luck. May Turkish democracy prevail!
If you are Jewish or have known Jewish ancestry, Nazi Germany may deny entry. It's better to check the entry requirements with Nazi authorities in advance.
Yea. Punishment only make sense in influencing future behavior. Once the AI exist... it already exists...
There might be a reshuffle in geopolitics. Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela, are traditionally allies of Russia and opponents of the US. Something will have to change, I believe.
We might see Armenia align with the US and aforementioned countries, if Turkey stays aligned with Europe. Which will likely be the case, I believe.
China is the wildcard here. I can see them align with either camp.
I think Australia won't have to choose. They might stay somewhat neutral.
I was so annoyed in 2012 when we were protesting the tuition fee hike in Québec that people were pointing to other provinces or the US for their higher tuition fees, instead of, like, North European countries, and many others, where it's free.
As a citizen of Canada, this has become relatable.
I think there are no absolutes here. Some women will wait for a long term partner, and a fraction of that group will have children by accident before finding one, and some other women don't wait for one (especially in a context where men don't abound), etc. What women do overall is the amalgation of millions of specific biographies concerning unique women.
That makes a lot of sense. Until you consider that around Winter solstice, Christians don't celebrate the resurrection, yhey celebrate the birth. How do you explain that disconnect?