Yeah the individuals deserve to be protected but I have no care for corpos losing to other corpos
Idk but as one there is no way a bunch slightly racist old white Christian men can organize anything beyond the local and maybe state level.
Masonry is really cool and used to be highly influential for all levels of society but it’s not that anymore. It’s really sad. My grandparents generations were joiners. After the war everyone joined a society. My parents joined some. But nowadays that’s very rare. Everyone in my lodge was 50-80.
I think the propaganda comes from a similar place of earlier Jesuit propaganda. A bunch of men meeting in secret, seeking education away from church and state, highly involved in the community. Now it’s just having meals, meetings, and planning which charity event to do.
Thanks for your input :)
That’s an interesting question!
I found this:
The Song's imperial successors, and especially the Ming (A.D. 1368-1644), endeavored to strengthen state control of publication, although relatively few changes were made to the formal structure of regulation until the Qing. Each post-Song dynastic code specifically forbade the unauthorized republication of governmental works on astronomy, the civil service examinations, and other materials long considered sensitive. Additionally, each contained provisions banning "devilish books." These provisions were supplemented periodically by special decrees— as may be seen, for example, in the Hongwu Emperor's (1368-92) orders that all works disparaging the newly founded Ming dynasty even indirectly through the use of homophonic puns be eliminated," and in the Qianlong Emperor's (1736-96) famous decree of 1774 requiring that all literature be reviewed so that any books containing heterodox ideas could be destroyed.
Alford, William P.. To steal a book is an elegant offense: intellectual property law in Chinese civilization. 1995.
Great point :) honestly can any nationwide statistic be accurate for any state?
Oh yeah good point! I’ve run into them too but can’t remember their names.
Please put one of these keywords in the title so my filter catch this crap. I don’t wanna see maga anything
I would find it bizarre for a family member to do it with my own views but I can recognize how and why some would choose it. Just makes me think of shameless though
Thanks for taking the rudeness claim seriously! :) I fully agree with you.
Previously I started a plant based community on maybe I will try to actually be active. You’ve inspired me
I got another answer in a comment that may be why
I got an interesting answer from family. They said they only get countryside local chicken this way they don’t get the factory chicken with all the meds. These are typically used in restaurants not homes.
This makes sense!
You’re right. I am not saying that. I am generalizing based of experience and 95% plus of the masons I encounter. Prince hall exists where I was too ;)