Apparently this one is going to be less of a zoomer shooter.
What a shame, it's in my top 3 games I've ever played, but I pirated it because Epic app sucks ass. Was going to buy it once it was on Steam.
I'd say it is overall worth it. Goes from Fiction to Sci-Fi
Yeeeee. I think this is because browser playback requires transcoding, where as MPV is like VLC, in that it can play all the file types and codecs.
Oh my god. Sir, please get your mind out the gutter.
Jellyfin to MPV Shim.
That's not Dale, that's Rusty Shackleford.
There's a systemd OOM service that can be setup. I use CachyOS and they have it as a checkbox to turn it on or off.
The website I didn't know I needed. Thank you!
My older Yamaha receiver has what they call Surround AI. It automatically boosts or lowers sounds proportionally to counter every movie having shit mixing. It's amazing, many times I'll see a movie in theater, and once it's done I realize I'll need to rewatch it at home to understand like half of what was said and I missed.
All my friends remember when by about +/-3 days. Every year I invite everyone to meet for food and drinks one night.
Maybe this next Battlefield won't suck. #hopium