I don't fully understand how Discord works, but apparently certain Nitro perks are just client side toggles. I only use it for streaming 1080@60fps, so I'm not sure about things like emojis, and after that I don't even know what other Nitro perks exist.
Sorry autocorrect!
I had a friend claim that once someone else was sitting on the floor holding the cat, he would use a straw like a dart blowgun, and shoot it right into the cats mouth.
I think reviving Marathon as an extraction shooter is their next and upcoming game. There's a short trailer with IMO, a very cool art style.
You can fake a Nitro subscription for free higher quality streaming. Look up ~~Vendord~~, it hardens Discord for better security, adds themes, and plugins. One such plugin is fake Nitro.
Edit: Vencord. Got autocorrected.
Also adding I have only used fake Nitro for streaming quality. So I have no idea if it works for emojis or whatever other Nitro perks there are.
Legend has it, his beard length is proportional to his patience levels waiting for his Gentoo updates to compile.
IIRC, Intel just straight up settled on using DXVK in their drivers after realizing it'd take them ages to catch up to AMD and Nvidia.
IIRC, there are some Japanese ones that are indestructable.
They killed Craigs' Bond, 007 isn't tied to one person. "Bond will return."
Oh man, the first android phone! That was a fun phone, and the droid from Verizon.
MMO level and stat squishes, irl.
Oh no, not my free account.
Thanks for the heads up, though!