[-] [email protected] 10 points 16 hours ago

Yeah? So give up on this frivolous stuff and do... what exactly? Spend 10 years redirecting everyone's efforts into building mausoleums and tombs so we can all hop in in 2034? What are the NASA guys, or the European space agency people, meant to do in relation to the climate crisis and looming extinction event? Rocket science isn't biology, isn't climate science (though launched satellites and the like do help with researching it), isn't geopolitics.

You give me the same vibe as gamers whining about a game's art team making assets for cosmetic dlcs instead of adding story content or fixing game bugs or something, when they literally cannot do anything about those other things because it's outside their jurisdiction.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

Well it does matter though.

The way I see our choices is, one old man, the blue donkey, has the goal of continuing to support the status quo, for better and worse. He also has that baffling willful ignorance about the increasingly rabid violent behavior of the other guy's colleagues and voters, and how he definitely needs to fucking do something. But at least he hires people who are less old and more mentally secure than himself, since a president's cabinet and advisors are vital to the administration's function, and tend to fill in where they fall short.

But the other old man, the red elephant, he has the very well-published goal of severely lowering the quality of life for all us citizens besides wealthy white men, in some cases removing the right for some demographics to live at all (trans people, for one). The plan also includes smash-and-grabbing the federal government and raiding its wealth; this is all that Project 2025 thing that people need to talk more frequently about. He also hires unqualified criminals for his cabinets, and is a convicted criminal himself; just not in the eyes of his dogmatic culty voters, or in the majority opinion of the unelected for-life supreme court that he had previously rigged in his favor. And he is known to be in the pocket of a sadistic oligarchic foreign government for whom the cold war never actually ended.

Sure, long term this country won't last, but in the short term, this is the last shot at renewing our fragile democracy subscription while we still can. If we lose it completely with this looming fascism takeover, it will require the spilled blood of tens of millions of lives and more, to ever get it back, and at the minimum it will come with the severe decline of quality of life for all US citizens, besides wealthy white men, and the destruction of decades of history and culture that we currently take for granted. Think a US version of China's great firewall, book burnings, server wipings, cops raiding your home and smashing up all your hard drives.

And that's only if this country could even be taken back, considering, you know, the USA has the most guns and nukes of anyone, and I don't see an average Joe who happened to already own an assault rifle being successful in employing the second amendment on a missile drone swarm. Probably the best case scenario would be Balkanization, and being lucky enough to end up in a good region of the former-US, and just getting bombed over the border back and forth occasionally, and hoping everybody continues playing nice with the nukes. Because the only alternative in an unshattered fascist US at that point would be waiting for a natural decline. But as we've seen with the likes of North Korea, that process could end up taking so long that none of us here will live to see it, just the kids of our kids and on.

I'm never voting for the crazy felon cult guy who officially wants me dead, among so many other things. I don't think that any combination of our laws or legal system should have ever allowed him to return to the polls for this election, or done anything besides end up in a cell or be executed as a high threat terrorist traitor. But it's just how it ended up. But please don't act like it doesn't matter, and nobody should be keeping up with that bullshit propaganda bot lie that the outcomes will be the same either way. Sorry for the long incoherent rant, I barely even remember what your comment was, nor do I particularly want to scroll up to read it again, but nothing makes me more irritable and verbose than people giving into hopeless apathy.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

Steam has a hard limit on like 200 curators to ignore, after which point it will print a vague error about it not working. I know, I hit that limit. That's not a solution.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago

Some advice, just block the users posting the politics, if your Lemmy phone app or the desktop browser version support doing so. If they post stuff you don't want to see now, they'll post stuff you don't want to see again in the future.

Me personally, that's what I do. My mental health is in a tight spot and I don't have the energy for the doomer shit any more, so I'd like to hang onto some of my essence, because I can just wait to go full doomer panic mode if Trump cucks his way into 2024 and starts banning trans people from life (which would affect me).

Also it's worth considering, a lot of these people being "no I want the Dems to lose because some bullshit" might be fucking tankies/accelerationists sneaking in here again, not all of them but a bunch. That idea really clicked when a friend of mine pointed the possibility out.

I'm not that versed in politics because of my similar aversion to it as you seem to have, but I do know those idiots exist, are annoying and loud, and are just contrarion moron cowards who want democracy to end so they can con someone else into doing a whole revolution for them after it gets bad. Even though none of them would last through the getting bad part.

So just block people posting uncomfy memes, ignore Internet psychos, vote in November, including local elections wherever possible, and we'll all hopefully come out of this without too much lasting trauma.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 4 months ago

The greater of two evils will accelerate the exact same genocide in question (Gaza) and enable genocide in other areas, e.g. Ukraine, and possibly Taiwan in the future if and when that situation escalates. This is not the argument to make, unless you're intentionally arguing in bad faith.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 5 months ago

No, it actually is The Onion. It's a Clickhole article. Clickhole is a side website The Onion runs.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago

It's gotta be a copypasta, the format seems very similar to that one about TES Oblivion, with the person asking for rumors at a bar and being told a guy went missing in the mountains or whatever. Been a while since I loaded up a stalker game, but the "it's encrypted so don't go snooping" bit I think is actual game dialog, no random person would say this.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 7 months ago

If it's below freezing outside and you get a cone, the ice cream will never melt and drip everywhere.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 7 months ago

Seafood is great, as long as you live near a coast. I think that gives a better chance that that "fishy" smell and taste is not overwhelming, because if that's what you don't like about it, I'm pretty sure it mostly shouldn't be that way, I think it tends to be more mild the fresher they are. When in-land stores and restaurants import fish, it could be longer between catch and cooking than a coastal place.

Or you just don't like any seafood and nothing will change your mind, also valid.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 8 months ago

Cheaper development budgets, no room for QA, rushed out the door; still sold for 70 bucks.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago

If anyone in politics besides her or another Republican did this, their entire party would be up in arms screaming the word impeachment and making demands. It's small potatoes in the context of people being people, but these are congresspeople and they all collectively decide the legal rights we have. And her party is actively stripping the rights of women and marginalized groups. Why shouldn't they be scrutinized?

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