And sometimes y
I can't seem to pour out of my pyrex measuring glass without the water dribbling all down the front of the spout making a mess. You think they could have shaped the spout to prevent that better and it infuriates me every time.
Fido of Barkia
Make sure to research expected pay in your desired target countries. I was shocked when I saw the difference between compsci job salaries in the US and Italy. Can adjust for cost of living differences but it was still a significant decrease. Would be good to be aware ahead of time and not surprised if you're not happy with the salaries presented.
Could you forward your X display in an SSH session so you don't need a webui? I second the vote for handbrake, it's a great program!
I haven't used it in a while, but when I did I used it sort of as an idea / vision board. For instance, when remodeling the kitchen I created a board where I just pinned a ton of kitchen pictures that had things I liked. Sort of a way to group images together based on themes.
Mickey and Mallory Knox
Lucy has beautiful eyes!
Be Kind. Rewind.