
joined 2 years ago
[–] Bronzie 15 points 4 months ago (10 children)

Aren’t women safe in all states?
It’s a bit hard to fathom as a European, so I’d love some knowledge if you’d share

[–] Bronzie 13 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I’ve seen them in southern Europe on vacation, but never in the Nordics. Allways thought it was a Iberian/Latin thing (FR, ES, IT, PT). Guess they are more common than I thought.

[–] Bronzie 2 points 4 months ago

Just want to tag on for OP: I also make sure I never have to transcode video, but don’t really care about audio transcoding. My 923+ deals with it easily anyways. I’d expect the NAS’es listed to manage the same.

Just stick to H264 or H265 (if your player supports it) and I’d wager you’d be fine. Also, stay away from DV if your TV doesn’t support it. I watched too many purple/green intros before realizing I’m a dummy and that Samsung is poop.

Nice tip on ffmpeg though! I’ll look into that! Thanks

[–] Bronzie 1 points 4 months ago

Gotta report the same as the others: works fine.

My setup, for reference: Synology 923+, Samsung 4K TV, CCWGTV 4K, wireless connection.

I have set the bitrate to 120 instead of unlimited as someone somewhere recommended it. Only real tip I could give you for LAN streaming.

Let me know if you need more info and hope you can fix it

[–] Bronzie 2 points 4 months ago

He was being a cunt for no reason, so I had some fun responding to him.

Now you’re being a cunt, so I’m having some fun responding to you.

I’m doing this for your benefit, so you get to keep practicing reading comprehension. Thank me later, cunt.

[–] Bronzie 4 points 5 months ago

I’m sure you did, but that is not a good thing. At least where I’m from, a contract is a must have. It states everything related to your job, including tasks, vacation time and salary. Without it you have fewer (or none) legs to stand on should your employer be an ass.

You wouldn’t buy a house without signing the paperwork proving it’s yours and you should not work without a signed contract.

I’m no neuroscientist so I can’t in good faith comment on our development, so I’m only arguing against the contract signing part.

[–] Bronzie 3 points 5 months ago (4 children)

I think your hot take is fine, but you do lack a certain way with words my friend.

Maybe next time hit the "post" button after the first three words. It would be better for everyone.

[–] Bronzie 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Interesting, but don't you think it would cause issues as well?

We all develop differently and many are mature before 25 while I've ceetainly met people who are not even in their thirties. Do you have any research to support 25 being a more fitting age than 18?

Also: if you cannot enter contracts you cannot work. Do you really think everybody should not be able to hold a job until they reach 25?

[–] Bronzie 3 points 5 months ago

Looks really good!

Nice color on the crust too

[–] Bronzie 5 points 5 months ago

We all have mate. That doesn’t make you a bad person.

Just strive to do a little better every day

[–] Bronzie 37 points 5 months ago (6 children)

Neither really.

It’s a personal choice. As long as they don’t drive or do anything stupid to others, I think they should have fun. Ii’s not cool as potential addiction is not cool, but it’s not a mental problem either as I both drink and eat junk, knowing very well neither does me any good at all.

Hope that was a decent answer

[–] Bronzie 1 points 5 months ago

I'm not gonna pretend it's easy, but it is doable if you really want to.

The missus moved here with her child a few years ago. Uprooted everything and started over.

Good luck wherever you end up!

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