
joined 2 years ago
[–] Bronzie 5 points 5 days ago


Oftentimes I just can't get into the topic being discussed or I don't have a well thought out opinion, so I'd rather enjoy reading what others think.
I wish there was more content here sometimes, but I'm not allowed to complain until I contribute more myself.

[–] Bronzie 3 points 1 week ago

I can get behind petty if for the right reasons, and yours for sure is!

I hate everyone and their uncle requiring accounts for even the most menial of tasks. We all know it’s only for gathering and selling data, so kindly fuck off.
Philips requires an acc for me turning on my BT nightstand light, a Hue Go. I’d rather spend 10 hours finding a workaround

[–] Bronzie 1 points 1 week ago

I can agree to that.

I’m super happy with 3440x1440, so I guess that helps out a bit too

[–] Bronzie 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Same here.

Only upgraded when my 1080 died, so I snagged a 3080 for an OK price. Not buying a new card untill this one dies. Nvidia can get bent.

Maybe team red next time….

[–] Bronzie 6 points 1 week ago


I’d say fluent in Norwegian, English and German. German because I lived there for a year and the missus is German.
I can make myself understood in Spanish.
Swedish and Danish come for free as they are so close to Norwegian. I don’t need to speak them as we understand eachother mostly.

[–] Bronzie 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Add:North has for their filament for several different printers.
I use their PLA profiles for Bambu and they work really well.

All in all they have really cool guides that are applicable for 3D-printer newbies in general, so I've been very happy with them.

[–] Bronzie 2 points 1 week ago

Try to get as much sleep as possible.
I have a 1 year old and we've all been constantly sick since mid-fall.
Had the actual flu last week and still feel it.
Hoping we're immune to as much shit as possible now.

What about you, OP?

[–] Bronzie 1 points 1 week ago


Every NOK over 500k is now with VAT. They changed it last year.

The selection under 500k is still quite good, so I’m not gonna pretend the deal is horrible, and you only pay on the amount over, so a 600k car is still artificially cheap compared to most places.

[–] Bronzie 15 points 1 week ago

This is true, but the batteries do not suffer any harm by being used when cold, just charging which we by now agree is not an issue as long as the car heats them up first.

They also expell heat by being used, so they are nice and toasty for when you reach you destination and can plug in.

[–] Bronzie 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The misinformation is that they don't work well in the cold. Truth be told, they are fantastic in the cold. I'd argue better than ICE. That's a different topic for a different day though.

You are, rightfully so, claiming batteries don't like cold temperatures. What you fail to add are the mitigations companies make to solve these issues. That feels disingenous, unless you just didn't know.

If your phone had the capacity and function to heat itself up during outdoor use, it would also work brilliantly.

So while I'm sure the scientific papers are great, without having read them, I'd guess they don't include the whole picture either as if they would, we'd be in agreement.

I tried finding where I called you any names and failed, but if you felt attacked then I appoligize for that. I have nothing against you or think you deserve that. We are just disagreeing on this one topic.

Have a good night!

[–] Bronzie 32 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Which is why they are heated before being charged, either by the on-board heater if it’s been parked, or naturally by just driving the damn thing.

You said EVs don’t work well in the cold. That is a demonstrably false statement by the fact that Norway has over 500 000 of them rolling around all year. You can post as many misinformed links supporting it as you wish. If it had any merit, we would not be at 90%+ adoption rating.

Either you are the biggest genious in the world and we are half a million morons, or you are just wrong.
The fact that I drive mine in weather spanning from -30 C to +25 C makes me suspect the latter.

Have a good one, mate.

[–] Bronzie 45 points 1 week ago (15 children)

They work fine in the cold. This old, blatantly wrong, myth needs to die soon.

Source: we use them every damn day all year, including winter.
Sincerely A Norwegian with an EV daily driver.


I’m strugling a bit making it work as intended.
I set it up to push straight to Sonarr/Radarr and it works, but my ratio on everything is still bad. I’m guessing something is taking time, making me lose out on the initial swarm.

My connection is wired Gbit.

It’s not really a problem as I seed forever and have a great ratio, but I still want it to function or at least understand why it doesn’t.

Appreciate any advice!


Does anyone know if it exists and is active?

Looking to join alternative quality trackers and I’m trying to avoid Reddit.

Not asking for invites, just help being there once it opens up.

Preferably with some sort of freeleech rules to get going as I hate the initial hustle, downloading random stuff to build a buffer. My NAS is running 24/7 so seeding is not an issue anyways.

Would also like to hear your experiences and recomendations on trackers. Currently active on TL and very happy with them.



Morning Gentlepeople.

As a coffee newbie I am having some small issues while trying to improve my game. I have a Oracle Touch and subscrube to a local monthly coffee delivery, so my beans change weekly.

My issue is that the grind setting is incredibly different from bean to bean. With my last bag, grind 14 gave a perfect 1:2,5 ratio. With a different bean today, I had to discard two cups before learning that grind size 3 gave me the same ratio. 14 gave me 1:3,5 which tasted rubbish.

The problem is that I got channeling and very little crema.

I guess the questions are: do different beans require completely different ratios or am I doing something very wrong?
Should I accept a very high ratio to avoid channeling on certain beans?
Or should my timer be lower on certain beans?

Thanks in advance for any help and have a great cup this morning!

Looking for a Youtuber (self.helpmefind)
submitted 6 months ago by Bronzie to c/[email protected]

He makes short videos covering famous songs with both instruments and random items. I'm fairly certain he is bald and usually memes a bit with his sunglasses.

I just can't find me guy and this itch is getting annoying.

Thanks in advance!


After a decade of being a law abiding citizen and paying customer of every streaming service between here and the moon, I’ve given it all up and come back to the high seas.
It’s all being split up between more and more services with ever growing prices.
If they make it hard to be a customer, I’d rather not be one.

So I grabbed myself a NAS, set up all relevant .ARRs and am torrenting again.
What trackers do you guys with experience recommend?
Are the free ones still good enough or do I need to cry my way into a private one?
The NAS is running 24/7 so I will be a good seeder, so if anybody has an invite to a good private tracker I’d be very happy to contribute to it.

Thank you in advance Gentlepeople!

submitted 2 years ago by Bronzie to c/ukraine

Several villages liberated in the Donetsk oblast.
Hopefully the first major update of many.

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