Court System needs to be revamped and public elections held pronto, having respective districts elect Judges by the people instead of politicians.
Horrifying. I can't imagine going through that nightmare.
Can't have anything nice, can we? And why are the courts so corrupt? Because they are appointed by politicians?
The only thing I don't like about him is his 1st ability's functionality. Why does his 1 throw enemies out than when his 4 can do that and is better? Why can I not reverse the tap/hold controls? I have to sperg out aiming the ability to be able to 'hit' them and registers. By the time I get max stacks of bodies sucked, there is only a few seconds left until I have to press 1 again to suck more enemies. Other than that, his other abilities are great, but really depend on his crappy 1.
That would be amazing. The device is cool, and seemed to work well from the reviews, but the plastic prevented me from buying it.
Can you hear electronics hum? I can, especially when it's quiet. Doing hearing tests, I would hear when they turned on the sound, but not be able to hear the actual sound. Idk what it is, but pretty sure it's not ultrasonic sounds.
From the lack of reaction to how big this change is, too many are not concerned IMO.
Tech bro: Trust me, this will work.
There is a big streaming scene on various platforms, people doing it as a full time job. They are roleplaying, which is popular with a bunch of 3rd party mods to support it. This probably contributes to the longevity of the game.
Evil wins when good people do nothing, especially when those good people have the means to.
Great, now please take action on the deteriorating democracy that needs more urgent attention.
From the picture, I count 16 lanes. Is the pic accurate?