What an asshole thing to do. Hey we had fun using up this planet now here, we made you to clean up up the mess. That's what AI and robots are for. Not humans.
I mean a lot of us wouldn't even if it they paid us. We finally live in a time where we know better and can choose not to be barefoot and pregnant (unless you live in tx).
I'm sure there isn't a single millionaire that made it on their own. They had other people making that money for them.
On 750 a month I could live in the forest somewhere and do occasional supply runs to replenish my tree fort. Or do a shit ton of drugs but either way I'd be pretty happy.
Remember when you had a quickload cartridge in the expansion slot but not every game would be able to use it? And when you blew the video card pulling the keyboard too hard since they were all hot connections? I still haven't fixed that.
I'm 40 and my first machine was a commodore sx64. I'm not old lol.
Probably very homogenous.
Or one is wrong and people need to stop using it instead of being ignorant. Like saying I itched myself. Tacky.
Nah it was the guy from John wick. One more to go.
Time to break the cycle of abuse.