your neighbor may not have individual power, but his statements still carry more weight than the opposite. there's a reason (most) white people would never dream of saying the n word, and that there's no equivalent for the other way around, and it's because there's an inherent power dynamic baked into that word and its origins
[+]AllHailTheSheep-27 points4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)
(20 children)
racism requires a power structure to be historically against the oppressed. you cannot be racist against white people. you can be prejudiced, and I suppose you could make some argument that the above is prejudiced if you tried really hard, but calling it racism disregards the basis of what racism is
edit: for people down voting, please go read some books, take a class from your local community college, or just talk to your neighbors. this statement isn't meant to be decisive, nor would it be in any race and diversity class.