This article has it slightly wrong, many people I know have multiple jobs during the same 8-5 working hours.
joined 2 years ago
Yeah, this might actually make me sign back up just to script kiddie the shit out of things.
Fair. And worth considering.
That's fine. I'd rather pay a recovered government than the current one...if that happens.
This is what I'm hoping for. It just takes Player 2ing a couple of them to strike fear in all of them and simultaneously remind people that we hold the power.
There is no real downside to the unliving of a billionaire. Only upside.
Schumer isn't invincible.
I am one of those skipping filing to see what happens.
Delay, deny, dispose [of the IRS letters].
I'm taking that money and donating it to local charities and helping people in my community.
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