c/pcm: Political Compass Memes

A refuge.

The PCM subreddit is no longer on blackout, but you can still come here every time Reddit's moderators, admins, or AHS make you mad.

Sadly it's not the same thing without flairs. Be nice-ish. I am just a rando, not an old PCM mod. For now, resources such as the banner are just plain stolen without permission.

Before you join, take a political compass test, like this one: Classic Compass Test Or this one: IDR Compass Test

The idea of the political compass posits that rather than a linear spectrum, a person's political ideology can be described on two axes: A left-right axis, and a liberal-authoritarian axis. This creates four quadrants of broad political classifications. Some tests propose alternative and additional axes, but the absolute core value of this community is that the left-right spectrum is NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to describe a person's values, and there are more than two options for you should desire your government to behave.

This is a space where people with different political alignments will debate, propagandize, and mock eachother. It's all in good fun, try to learn something from people you disagree with.


1: Posts must be memes (images that are at least a little humorous) and must include the political compass itself, or its colors. "Funny colors included" for pictures where EG a person happens to be wearing a red shirt and is labeled as making a pro-communist argument. Highlighted text is allowed.

2: Not an NSFW community, no NSFW content.

3: Don't promote ~~too much~~ hate- please no outright calls to murder or genocide. This isn't Reddit, so you CAN make "face the wall" jokes or say "I think pedos should be executed", but still generally keep it tasteful.

4: Old PCM had a "Misinformation" rule? bruh. Go tell lies. Post onion articles and say they're real. We'll laugh at people who don't get it. Mods may take action if we feel like we're being invaded by organized propaganda. Or we might be too busy making memes.


Classic Compass

Classic Compass + Centrist

9x9 Compass

PCM Mod's Wojak Folder

More Wojaks

102 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/cyclisme: Cyclisme (en français)

Communauté pour parler de cyclisme sous toutes ses formes :

  • courses professionnelles et autres ;
  • pratiques de loisir ;
  • vélotaf et usages utilitaires.

NB : il est fortement recommandé de trier les Publications par «Nouveaux commentaires».

185 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/tifu: TodayIFuckedUp

Today (or another day) I made a mistake. This is a place for those stories.

468 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/sino: Politics

A place to discuss politics

63 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/bellavistaarkansas: Bella Vista, Arkansas

Community dedicated to Bella Vista, Arkansas and the surrounding area concentrated in Northwest Arkansas.


  1. Discussion is limited to topics concerning or impacting Bella Vista, Northwest Arkansas, and/or area residents. This rule is intended to allow for a wide variety of discussion and enforcement will be pretty lax unless stuff that is way off topic becomes a problem.
  2. Spam and ads are not permitted.
  3. "Be excellent to each other." Disagreement is permitted. Harassment is not. Disparaging or discriminatory remarks towards anyone based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, etc. Repeat offenses will result in a permaban.
60 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/acores: Açores

Açores em Português

63 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/xianxia: Xianxia
63 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/bioinformatics: Bioinformatics

A community to discuss the intersection of computers and biology. ------ A community dedicated to bioinformatics, computational genomics and systems biology.

64 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/stargate: Stargate

A place to discuss the Stargate Universe

83 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/tattoos: tattoos

A place for sharing ink.

89 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/politicalhumor: Political humor

A community focused on US politics, and the ridiculousness surrounding them.

98 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/kids: Kids
65 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/fauxmoi: Fauxmoi

The Lemmy gossip sub.

189 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/dankmemes: Dankmemes


  1. If you have to ask yourself 'hmm, is this the sort of meme I should be posting', the answer is definitely 'no'.

  2. No Bigotry or Bullying

Dankmemes does not tolerate bullying or bigotry. All are welcome here, no matter their race, gender, religion, political beliefs, country of origin, sexuality, fursona, or gaming choices.

Please stay civil within comment threads. Avoid personal attacks, and do not weaponize a person's user history.

Yes, ironic death threats are still death threats.

If you have to ask yourself 'hmm is this the sort of thing I should be saying?', the answer is 'no'. So don't say it.

  1. Don't be a dick!

Don't be a dick! (yes, posting spoilers counts as being a dick).

Trolling (including downvote trolling) is not allowed in dankmemes, and posting content purely to get a reaction will not be tolerated.

You do not need to participate in this community, you are free to leave if you hate it.

  1. Censor any and all personal information from posts and comments

Censor any and all personal information from posts and comments, or it will be removed. Real or fake! Yours or others! Just don't do it.

This includes non-verified twitter handles, reddit usernames that aren't watermarks, and all other social media!

If it doesn't start with a 'u/' (promptly followed by your reddit username), it will get yote! 5. No spam, outside links, or videos.

dankmemes is strictly for your original memes. This is not a platform to advertise your social media network or community. Do not link to any discord servers. And do not post videos.

No queue flooding - Limit yourself to 5 posts per day, preferably spaced out. Exceeding this number may result in a ban.

If you need some help to pass the time, try checking out our sister subs for more dankmemes fun: r/Dankexchange & r/Meme_Battles

  1. No Metabaiting

Do not ask for upvotes, awards, or talk about your cakeday.

  1. No brigading

Do not participate in bad faith, Do not post links elsewhere directing people to interfere with this community. "Raids" will result in bans. Keep dankmemes in dankmemes, do not bother other communities.

  1. Keep it dank!

Keep it dank! This sub is for humor (and the dankest of memes)!

Mods may use discretion when removing memes that are not relevant or current to preserve the quality of the sub. Poor picture quality and construction (illegible text, bad cropping, etc) may also lead to a post being removed. User feedback (reports, etc) may also be a factor

  1. Mark NSFW and spoilers appropriately

If your post is NSFW, mark it as NSFW.

If your post contains spoilers, mark it as spoilers.

If you have to ask yourself 'hmm is this nsfw and/or spoilers', the answer is 'yes'. 10. NO REEEEEEE-POSTS! If you didn't make the meme yourself, don't post it.

Do not try to game the system or post deleted content without permission. Repost chains are also not permitted. And don't encourage reposting.

We don't care if you have 'pErMiSsIoN', or if you give 'cReDiT'. It's still reposting.

On a related note, here's a foolproof way to work out if your post is a repost or not: Ask yourself 'hmm, did I make this meme?'. If the answer to that question is 'no', it's a repost. So don't post it. 11. No shitposting

We have high-ish standards here! Low-effort memes may be removed.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Reactions to text/headlines/social media

Non-original memes (copying a concept that someone else used, or containing no original material)

Sign images (Sign templates with only text overlays)

Comment baiting posts (ama, comment and I'll rate, fuck zodiac signs, which side are you on and any other post where users are asked to respond)
  1. Format your meme correctly. No posts where the title is the meme caption!

Posts must be formatted correctly. No posts where the title is the meme caption. The caption must be in the meme image, not in the submission title.

Content that is not a meme at all or that does not make sense will be removed, including photos, screenshots, and blank templates. Properly crop your memes, folks.

Fanart is still appreciated (who knows? if it's good enough, maybe we might consider it worthy enough to belong in a museum...) 13. No agenda posting!

dankmemes is for dank memes. It’s not a political campaign ground. Absurd memes about politicians are cool, but we are not interested in your activism, or any agenda you’re bandwagoning for a country/cause, on any platform.

This is not the place for protest petitioning.

No cesspools: If a post creates a toxic environment in the comments it may be removed. Slur chains, reactionary bait, etc.

Please keep political comments brief and civil, this not a place for lectures.

  1. Don't be a critic

Do not heckle or be rude to each other. Criticism should either be constructive, or not given at all.

Please show OP respect.

There is no reason to announce that you hate a post. Downvotes are there for that. If the majority of your activity in this sub is complaining, you may be banned.

116 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/androidapps: Android apps

**Spam is not allowed here. ** Blog articles about apps will be allowed within moderation. Articles directly about a specific app are allowed. This means that a article saying "Google Hangouts v6 released, here's what's new" is fine. A article that is "Top 5 apps to try today!" will not be allowed.

Videos aren't allowed as posts by their self. Videos inside self posts/comments are fine. Reposts are not allowed.

Self promotion guidelines When self promoting a app, your self promotion must be a self post tagged with [DEV]. You must engage the community, hit and run posts are not allowed. Additionally, a developer may only post once per month. Exceptions are made at mod team's discretion.

You may directly link to APKs Apk linking may only be from approved sources, or directly from the developer Approved sources are Google Play, apkmirror, XDA-Labs, and F-Droid. New sources may be suggested by the community at any time.

All posts must be app related This means no rumors of upcoming phones. All posts must be selftexts No hit and run spam!

90 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/france: France
103 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/fixedbytheduet: Fixed by the Duet


  1. Be respectful. Respect the instance rules.
  2. Submissions should be fixed by the duet. Duh.
65 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/mixingmastering: Mixing & Mastering

A community to discuss audio mixing and mastering.

84 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/artscrolling: Artscrolling

What is artscrolling?

an art-filled, heavily curated, more image-focused version of hopescrolling and a mind-cleansing alternative to doomscrolling. This community is going to be run a little differently than the others. Instead of focusing on discussion, this is meant to be more of a stream of images.


  1. Stay chill

I’m trying to cultivate a vibe here and drama will not be tolerated. Art may be political, shocking, and at times downright ugly. That’s because humans are all of those things and more. Art can and will invoke various reactions; all I ask is we keep it chill in here. You’re among friends. We can have conversations like friends do. Talk about whatever you feel like in the comments, unless it breaks either of these rules.


  1. Be content with the content

There will be no ai art, and no self-promotion. What you will see: unknown artists mixed in with famous artists, art in all of its various forms, 2d art, 3d art, digital art, photography, lightly NSFW art (artistic nudity), political art, infamous art, controversial art, art-themed memes; basically art from every style and time period. I always try to credit the artists when I can.

I might include interesting articles about art, still deciding on that. I don't really want this to accidentally turn into a newsfeed, so we'll see.


83 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/plusplus: C++ talk
64 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/juniordoctorsuk: Junior Doctors UK

An escape from reddit. A community for UK based doctors to chat about their experiences, share articles and hang out. No medical advice.

60 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/rdrama: rDrama

Memes, shitposts, everything about rdrama.net. This community is not affiliated with rdrama.


  1. No Hate Speech

  2. Do not link to or post transphobia that happens on the site. Immediate ban if you post about chudrama.

  3. Do not use this community to appeal your ban. If you're a ban-on-sight on rdrama, you will be banned immediately!

  4. No Marseyphobia

  5. Don't post drama here. Post it on rdrama.

  6. We reserve the right to ban you for any reason.

  7. Do not ask for approvedcel status.

  8. Sitewide rules apply. Don't get the community banned.

50 subscribers, a community founded 8 months ago
c/agents: Autonomous agent software and research

For researching and developing autonomous agents

63 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/photographyworkshop: Photography Workshop

This is a place to share photos you've created in order to share techniques and gain critiques. By posting here you are willing to workshop your photo aka hear critique or view others' edits of the same photos. To that end, sharing the raw image as well as your exported photo is highly encouraged.

When sharing your photo, please share your reason for sharing, any editing techniques you used, any questions you may have for improvement or areas you wish to be critiqued in particular. Your gear and settings will be very valuable as well:

Highly encouraged to share:

aperture, ISO, focal length, shutter speed

Camera model and lens used

RAW file.

73 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/vba: Visual Basic for Applications
64 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
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founded 1 year ago