c/nowhereelsetoshare: Nowhere Else To Share

I didn't know which community to post something in and so here we are.

Please comment if you know a more appropriate community for a post.

519 subscribers, a community founded 9 months ago
c/fantasyfootball: Fantasy Football

Discuss all things Fantasy Football here!

73 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/tattoos: tattoos

A place for sharing ink.

92 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/camping: camping

All things back-country camping! Gear discussions, destination talks and everything else within that realm

1,540 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/amateurmotorsports: Amateur Motorsports
62 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/golang: Golang

A place to talk about all things golang.

132 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/tinylist: tinylist Official Forum

Forum to get updates, request features, and provide feedback.

65 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/ex_jew: Exjew

Another community of formerly religious Jews for discussing all that comes with the territory of leaving Judaism behind. For those of us who chap the chutzpah of organized religion!

61 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/superhoops: QPR FC

Now with added hoops!

63 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/kidsarekids: KidsAreKids

Are the end of the day, kids are just kids

67 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/veterans: Veterans

A community for US Veterans to discuss Veteran issues, support, benefits etc.

64 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/themroc: themroc

he/him sp/fr/eng ancom, acab Low-level employee English not my first language, so I might write it weirdly.

34 subscribers, a community founded 1 month ago
c/everquest1: EverQuest

A community for discussing the original EverQuest game. Live servers, TLPs, and emulated server discussions are all welcome.

120 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/iama: I am a
77 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/themoddingofisaac: The Modding of Isaac
68 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/shell: Shell Scripting

From Bash to Batch, Ash to Zsh; all shell languages are welcome here!


  1. Follow Lemmy rules!
  2. Posts must relate to shell scripting. (See bottom of sidebar for more information.)
  3. Only make helpful replies to questions. This is not the place for low effort joke answers.
  4. No discussion about piracy or hacking.
  5. If you find a solution to your problem by other means, please take your time to write down the steps you used to solve your problem in the original post. You can potentially help others having the same problem!
  6. These rules will change as the community grows.

I want to make a clear delineation on what is and is not allowed. From my experience on Reddit, communities in this niche were far too numerous and fractured. This community casts a fairly wide net, but intends to stay focused on the joy and pain of writing scripts.

  • Allowed: Release Announcement of a command-line program designed for scripted use (e.g. bash, bats, awk, jq, coreutils/moreutils)
  • Allowed: Tutorials on using shell languages or supplementary tools designed for scripted use
  • Allowed: Code review/help requests for shell languages or supplementary tools designed for scripted use
  • NOT Allowed: Announcement of a CLI or TUI program that is not designed for scripted use (Yes, your fancy Zsh plugin which pretty-prints the date and time using only builtins is very cool, but unless you actually want to discuss the code itself, find somewhere else to post it.)
  • NOT Allowed: Domain-specific tutorials that do not involve shell scripting as a core component (e.g. docker-compose,
  • NOT Allowed: Code review requests for non-shell programming languages and configuration languages (e.g. Python, Yaml)

In general, if your submission text is primarily shell code, then it is welcome here!

121 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/mgtow: MGTOW

We are men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.

Here is a place to discuss men’s issues, single life, hobbies, fitness, style, independence, sex, and more…

MGTOW has never been anti-relationships with women. Therefore, any incel propaganda will be removed and the posters warned for starters.

It is simply an anti-female bullshit, anti-gynocentric bullshit, anti-simp, anti-man-bashing, and anti-male doormat philosophy. It is also a pro-male self-sufficiency, pro-male determinism, pro-male pursuits, and pro-male satisfaction philosophy.

It is much less anti-women as far more pro-equality and pro-masculinity. We don't hate women or society -- we just don't tolerate the bullshit.

Propaganda of national socialism (aka Nazism) and international socialism (aka communism) is incompatible with MGTOW. The posts will be removed and the posters warned.

Racism and ethnic hatred will not be tolarated. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Any repeated offences will be met with temporary and permanent bans.


the catalogue of anti-male shaming tactics. : https://memeworld.funnyjunk.com/large/pictures/c3/8f/c38f7c_5719896.jpg

Female Delusion Calculator: https://igotstandardsbro.com/

Additional communities:


How To Fire Your Wife: HOW TO FIRE YOUR WIFE - A Guide For Married Men To Safely Escape Slavery.

Link: https://www.docdroid.net/g1k7mzn/fire-your-wife-pdf

Link: https://goodbachelorhood.com/

60 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/internationaldev: International Development

Mostly a honeypot for Neoliberals so that I can frame everything, put it in a gallery and laugh at you whilst alternately vomiting in a paper bag.

57 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/yiddish: Yiddish

מיר וועלן זיי איברלעבן

61 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/rouvy: Rouvy

Rouvy Cycling App

58 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/freethefootfingers: Free the Foot Fingers Movement

Modern footwear's blatant disregard for the foot's natural design is nothing short of a rebellion against the human anatomy. Cramped toe boxes, and excessive cushioning have slowly crippled our feet's innate strength.

Welcome to this community - a movement dedicated to freeing the foot fingers, a revolt against this anatomical oppression. Here, we shall serve as a forum for discussing studies pertaining to footwear design, the medical ramifications, historical insights, and more. Our primary mission is to raise awareness about this issue and reach a wider audience.

41 subscribers, a community founded 10 months ago
c/salesforce: Salesforce
62 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/3dprintingdeals: 3D Printing Deals

Good deals on 3D Printers, Filament, Resin, and Accessories!


  1. All posts must be deals. This is not a general community for 3d printing.
  2. Posts are for physical goods only.
  3. No Kickstarters/Pre-orders.
  4. Referral/Affiliate links must be disclosed.
104 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/hash: hash

For all hash lovers out there

73 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/amish: Amish

Main community - [email protected]

62 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
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founded 1 year ago