Forrest Gump
A place for runners.
I thought that movie was about shrimping.
It's a bit of both. And chocolates. But he does get his leg fixed so I guess that goes into the running theme pretty well.
I recalled one . . . silly and not on lists: Run Fatboy Run
One of my favorites!! I watch this the night before a big race for inspiration
Does The Running Man count? Honorable mention for Forrest Gump?
Jokes aside, I remember a few others in the 80s, and a Jesse Owens movie called Race a few years back.
Edit: I looked up some more. Here's a good list for anyone curious.
One surprising thing on that list: A movie about my HS x-country team! Not my year but didn't know there was a movie about it at all.
Brittany Runs a Marathon
I just watched this. I was surprised at how good it is. Dealt with some serious issues and was funny. Really enjoyed it. Thanks!
There are cycling movies?
Cool Runnings
McFarland, USA
Isn’t cool runnings about bobsledding tho?
It's about Jamaican sprinters who miss out on qualifying for the Olympics and then become bobsledders to get to the Winter Olympics.
Came here to say McFarland, USA
Without Limits
A movie about Steve Prefontaine
I thoroughly enjoyed the anime, Run With The Wind.
Thanks for reminding me to watch this.
Most have been mentioned. But what about this - Evolution of Tom Cruise's Run - he basically inserts a running scene in every one of his movies.