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The original was posted on /r/netsec by /u/pracsec on 2023-10-30 20:16:58+00:00.
SpecterInsight is a cross-platform, post-exploitation command and control framework based on .NET for red team engagements, threat emulation, and training. Distinguishing features include:
- Rich command output in JSON format
- Data augmentation on individual results
- Tight integration with ELK for data analytics
- Built-in visualizations and dashboards
- Countdown until the next callback
- Easily extendible SpecterScripts
- Integrated obfuscation and payload generation
- Clean and efficient client UI
- Cross platform components
There is also a free, indefinite evaluation license that includes the full product. Most of the SpecterScripts are open source, so it’s a good way to learn. I thought people here might find it useful.