They missed the part where he has a history of mental health issues and had heard voices telling him to kill people. He should have lost access to his guns.
Greentexts, memes, everything 4chan.
Which is something gun control typically aims at
It's something current federal law does and has done for decades. A person who is involuntarily committed to undergo inpatient treatment at a mental health facility by a court of law is classified as a "prohibited person" and cannot own or have access to firearms.
Source link:
The catch is that a person cannot be deprived of any right without due process - typically a literal day in court. Therefore an individual with mental health problems that have not caused enough trouble to land them in front of a judge can't be declared a prohibited person.
Due process does not always require a hearing before court action. There are emergency injunctions, ex parte protective orders, temporary restraining orders, certain classes of summary process. When a guy owns assault weapons and is hearing voices, due process can wait a couple weeks.
Sorry bud, best I can do is ban suppressors and shotgun pistol grips. At least they won't be able to shoot you ergonomically.
Or you know, we could only give guns to people that really really need them instead of making a hobby out of it
This is how it was for the first one hundred years of American existence. "Purposive open carry." Only lawless shit holes had what conservatives want today, habitual open carry. If it was a place with law, open carry without an obvious purpose was a breach of peace.
I mean, a law doesn't have to stop every criminal to be useful, if gun control causes any significant reduction in shooting deaths, it will have saved lives, even if some shootings still occur.
Well, might as well allow everyone to drive cars unrestrictedly since some crazy fucks every once in a while decide to DUI or drive without a license. Nothing can go wrong, right?
If gun control won’t do anything then we need gun bans. No more controlling them, take them all away.
If the US wasn't so hung up on the Constitution guns would have already been banned. They give basically anyone extreme executive power, none should have that.
In countries where gun control laws do exist even military personnel are not allowed weapons outside of assigned duties. Partially because anyone can go mad, like this, but mostly because administratively it's easier to just say no one should have a gun then to try and work out who has a legitimate exception.
Gun control arguments almost always include things like mental health care and annual health reviews to prevent things like this
Edit: had a bit of a stroke in the middle of that sentence
You're hinting at universal healthcare, and that's socialism, boy!
What I’m getting from this post is that the only way for gun control to work is a complete gun ban. I don’t think that’s what the user was wanting
Why is weapons grade plutonium restricted when the president can still go crazy?
While I agree that gun control is a good thing I strongly doubt it will eliminate the issue as it's only addressing the symptom, not the cause. Free healthcare, fair education and equal rights to achieve something in life are far more important triggers. Of course those require much deeper adjustments to the system and society as a whole.
Ridiculously dumb take
I'm taking a shit what do you think about that
This guy was previously admitted by a mental hospital and was up for mental evaluation. Proper gun control would mean he wouldn't have been able to buy that rifle.
It's no gun control (read=the absence of gun control), it's mental health, it's poverty. It's not taking care of your citizens.
The states is fucked, but if you think other countries dont have problems with mental health and poverty, but maybe 1 mass shooting in the last 50 years, then I dont know what to tell you
What was he doing with a usable bolt in that weapon? We typically had to sign them out for the one day a week we needed them on-base. And there's No Way a reservist would have something like that.
Exactly why we need to address the issues that are driving people to the edge instead of just banning stuff like that'll work.
Banning stuff.. like guns? Like every other developed nation has done? Which works?
Many countries have not banned guns but instead have proper mental health.
I'm 52. Guess what we had and didn't have when I was a kid.
Plenty of guns, and even laxer laws (excepting conceal carry!).
No mass shootings.
To be fair, I should include the mental health thing. I remember watching MTv as a teen in the late 80's and they made a big thing of homelessness. I figured it had always been an issue but people ignored it and, as a kid, I was just then finding out.
Yeah, turns out we shut down our mental health centers. Probably a correlation there.
Let's not forget crushing the middle and lower classes, taking away things for them to live for. That doesn't cause you to hear voices but it certainly can't help.
you could have said less mass shootings
No mass shootings though, that's not true at all