My own thoughts.
Overall I'm enjoying the game. I'd say I'm about 60% through the it and just today finished what was probably the hypes boss fight I've ever played in a game.
The story is good to great depending on the moment and most of the characters (while nothing special) are like able enough and I care about them and what will happen to them.
The combat system is good and gives the player lots of options. Also there's no drawback to trying out different play styles since resetting moves is free.
I do miss the turn based combat but Final Fantasy's been moving away from that since FF 12 really so if you're still a fan of the more recent main line games this is probably the best one since 12.
The combat is good but overall I think the game is too easy. I'm playing on the normal difficulty with none of the help items equipped but I still haven't died once in game yet. Normal enemies die ridiculously fast and mid level bosses aren't much better. The main bosses then, while taking a while to whittle down, never pose too much of a threat. At least so far.
Also the side quests in this game just aren't good. They're so mmo like. The game would probably be better without them honestly. Same for the larger open areas. They feel too small for an open world but are still basically empty with monsters and crafting loot. I think the game would be better with just the hub areas/towns and maybe have more focused side character moments in the actual main game instead?
Overall the game is good and since I had no expectations going in to this one I'm having a good time. Hopefully later on the game becomes a bit more challenging and the story has a satisfying conclusion!