Granted, but due to a strange quirk, this gets posted twice and applies to your own duplicate post.
The Monkey's Paw
Want to make a wish? Just ask the Monkey’s Paw! No strings attached.*
Just create a post that starts with “I wish ___”. Other users will then grant you the wish, and probably not how you intended.
^(*)^ ^Strings^ ^definitely^ ^attached.^ ^Satisfaction^ ^not^ ^guaranteed.^ ^Wish^ ^will^ ^likely^ ^backfire.^
That's exactly how the monkeys paw works. The next person to post doesn't get what they wished for.
Quick question: did you go to inspect the rear end of a mule, and that's all you can remember...?
Granted. The effects both positive and negative of the next wish effect you instead.
I feel like this is potentially closer to saving the world
Most unfortunately that wish was to your continued good health and for many more birthdays to come.
EDIT: Hmm not sure if that technically satisfies