This will be added soon! Well, at least something you can press to retry
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I clicked on the search engine article multiple times because I wanted to know and got bamboozled for longer than I’d like to admit.
lol me too, took me way longer than I'm proud to admit
My bad. I was wondering if I should've added a border to the image, lol.
Yes definitely! It ruins the "endless scrolling" when it just randomly stops loading .
Don't the new Material Design guidelines state all controls should be near the bottom of the screen?
Yes I seem to only be able to load a second or third 'page' when scrolling then can't go any further, this seems to be affected by how quickly you scroll to the bottom from what I can tell
I believe it's because it's taking too long for the client to get packets from the server during the auto refresh.
If we could manually refresh in an intuitive way, as we're scrolling, I think that would be the best solution.
Don't the new Material Design guidelines state all controls should be near the bottom of the screen?