I like "Giffit".
Pronounced "Yiffit" of course.
(I also assume everyone has seen that meme).
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
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Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
I like "Giffit".
Pronounced "Yiffit" of course.
(I also assume everyone has seen that meme).
Dammit... Its pronounced "gif"!
Yes, please! They've been waiting for a name since June!
Yeeff? Yinna ?
How about... Amne?
It's a Swahili girls name meaning Safe, Secure.
Our instance is a safe and secure place for those who are both furry and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
I feel like our instances mascot's name should reflect that.
But that is just me.
What about Yara?
We can go with Vootie,
"The furry fandom has its roots in the underground comix movement of the 1970s, a genre of comic books that depicts explicit content.[5] In 1976, a pair of cartoonists created the amateur press association Vootie, which was dedicated to animal-focused art. Many of its featured works contained adult themes, such as "Omaha" the Cat Dancer, which contained explicit sex.[6] Vootie grew a small following over the next several years, and its contributors began meeting at science fiction and comics conventions." ~Excerpt from the Furry Fandom Wikipedia article.
I like this.
Alternatively, Lem the Yeen.
Lets get some more jokes in, Yanny.
Update: I'll create a poll in a few days with the options that have been mentioned in this post.
Yaaas the Yeen