I don't want admins stepping between myself and other users, getting in the way of conversations. That's why I left Reddit!
Don't force your safe space on me. That's actually hostile.
Controversial - the community to discuss controversial topics.
Challenge others opinions and be challenged on your own.
This is not a safe space nor an echo-chamber, you come here to discuss in a civilized way, no flaming, no insults!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, "trust me bro" is not a valid argument.
I don't want admins stepping between myself and other users, getting in the way of conversations. That's why I left Reddit!
Don't force your safe space on me. That's actually hostile.
Exploding Heads guy here...
I'd like to say that the Exploding Heads admin, Kapow, is first & foremost anti-censorship. He's going to let anyone post things - there are lines in the sand not to be crossed, but the general belief of Kapow and many of the core contributors is that free speech doesn't hurt anyone.
Kapow is not far right. Many of the EH members are just Libertarians. Another large amount are Trump-type "populist right." Call them fascists, I don't care. It's fine. A rose by any other name... But there aren't any Nazis on Exploding Heads. We banned one just the other day.
The topic here is free speech & the marketplace of ideas and I can tell you that... man changes and grows throughout his life, and that people grow and change more through education, free exchange of ideas, exposure to the truth, than they do through isolation, shame, hatred...
In fact, the quickest way to make an asshole act like an asshole and become incapable of change is to treat him like an asshole.
I think if you are actually pro-peace, you must be pro-liberty, beause you would deny yourself the ability to coerce.
I think if you are actually pro-democracy, you are 100% supportive of free speech, because you would not use coercion and censorship to manufacture consensus and have a stranglehold on society.
I think anyone who believes in any value we can call "progressive" must first believe in the right of the individual to express themselves freely, and they should be secure enough in who they are to allow themselves to be challenged and to be ready to interact in good faith with others.
Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones?
Just Americans want this stuff. It's a part of their culture.
I agree but calls to have a diverse market place of content, even if that offends someone, never works. That died a long time ago on Facebook, Reddit, Youtube. Twitter survives (kinda) only because Elon Musk owns it (who knows how long it will last). 4chan's POL only exisits because its been grandfathered in and people who don't like pol flock away and the people who don't like Reddit flock to it. I agree with you because the march of safe spaces will continue uninterupted.