Fishing wires is a nightmare and is really individualized to each home
Like my house is a modular home built in the 80s so there’s a big cavity in the center of the house where they joined the two halves together. My networking gear is in the basement so getting the first floor wired was pretty simple, but the second floor was much harder. It was easiest to run all the cables up through that central cavity to the small space under the roof and then back down into each room. Took way more cable this way but I did it with 0 cutting into walls
Get a decent quality fish tape. You don’t have to go crazy. Harbor freight has them for like $40. Based on my old place that didn’t have a giant central wall cavity: get good at patching drywall. It sucks but it’s inevitable. Good news is if you’re a homeowner this is a skill you’ll absolutely want to have down
You’ll have to spend a little bit getting a lay of the land. What is current situation, what do things look like? Keep in mind for a house that’s 60+ years old you will run into stupid bullshit (I sure did).
Also consider what you want from your network. Planning things out beforehand makes things much easier. Also remember it’s very viable to buy old e waste networking gear. My rack is filled with stuff I got from recyclers and auctions for crazy cheap. Like my main switch is 48 gb ports and 5 10gb ports and it was $30. My poe switch and my fiber switch were similar. I never spent over $70 for anything.
I ran fiber to key points and spent the extra time running extra Ethernet drops for poe cameras. The latter was a fucking pain but my old place had WiFi cameras and they dropped out all the time. The poe cameras were cheaper, I actually covered all the poe gear by selling the WiFi cameras even though I needed more plus a poe switch, and they always just work. The fiber was a bit extravagant but it’s really nice to be able to send files between pcs on lan basically instantly. I only have gigabit so it’s way overkill but someday if this garbage country ever invests in infrastructure I’ll be ready. I technically can get up to 4gig Internet now but it’s crazy expensive