You wanna piss 'em off a little bit more, vain and superficial creatures that they are?
Stop calling it "America", start calling it "United States", with the understanding that America is a continent and not a country.
Eh Buddy Hoser
Take off ya hoser!
'Murican, here. My country's inability to understand that distinction has always annoyed me. Props to whoever popularized the first word of this post - it pretty clearly distinguishes the western hemisphere as a whole from just the idiots in the middle of it.
That said, I think the subtle condescension is lost on most of my countrymen - most of us seem to find dumb shit relatable, and even adopt it as a rallying call. 'Murica/n is no exception.
I've never known anyone here to take issue with "United States" though. It comes off as more formal than the other options, but not disrespectful or anything.
That'll learn those Étatsunians!
I've got bad news for him about where his Toyota was assembled...
Edit: not sure why I was downvoted. Don't shoot the messenger for pointing out that the Toyota Highlander is built in Princeton, Indiana.
I'm guessing they probably bought the vehicle long before all this kicked off, and the sign is a new addition showing their new opinion.
Look at these big and beautiful signs. I love it. Big beautiful home-made sign ☝️. You know, I know a premier who makes great signs. Big guy 🤲. Look at that Canada flag. Tremendous. And it’s made by hand too! The hand. Most useful part of the body except for maybe the mouth. People have told me. They’re saying “Sir! The mouth is better than the hand. But Not By Much!” 🙌 And look at that beautiful car it’s on. I love Toyoter. Great cars manufactured in beautiful Cambridge. Great people there too 👌
Probably a 60-80% chance the gasoline in the car was imported from the US...
Canada imports refined petroleum products, including gasoline from the United States. We've got the raw crude, but limited refinery's. Seem like its time to rethink and rebuild our energy sector.
This is likely untrue, Canada exports twice as much refined crude as it imports. Most of their domestic fuel use is drilled, and refined, in Canada, and they have been importing less as time goes on.
The spirit is there
Did you know there is direct correlation between [Americans] complaining that China "stole" all the manufacturing jobs and buying cheap Chinese made products? The more someone complains, the more likely it is that there is a regular stream of future landfill fodder traveling from Temu to their front door.
*Claims made in this comment should be accepted at face value without further research because I am 'Murican and everything I think or say is the Lord's gospel because I feel that it's correct. Any attempt to prove or disprove my claims is a violation of my first ammendment rights and will be promptly reported to Elon.
*except my Toyota Highlander
A hoser is a loser though. Before the Zamboni was invented, the losing team had to hose down the ice rink after a game. Therefore, losers were hosers.