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Nah Dutton is gonna kiss the ring.
If Dutton gets in I'm moving somewhere nicer like Romania. Dutton will absolutely fuck this country into anything beyond America ever dreamed for themselves.
And the worst part is we, as a populace, will buy into the mining industry captured press and vote him in enthusiastically.
There's a large part of me that wonders how bad the world will have to get before people stop voting against their best interests, and a more cynical part that acknowledges that we probably won't.
we probably won't.
Things going badly never seems to contribute to progressive votes. On the contrary.
There is no lie detected here
I hope we can take this opportunity to decouple from the US and look more towards the EU.
I'm not very hopeful. Looks like the LNP is going to with the federal election in a few months and if they do, we will fall into line behind Trump.
The entire world has been long overdue to decouple from US. I only hope is that Trump will indirectly bring this about without it spirally into another “world war”.