As an Australian I now understand the contempt of the middle east for America.
"simple freedom sounds enough"
I'm not religious but even the Bible says "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" and until the middle east and the US understand this then the wars will continue because revenge is more important to them than rebuilding and providing a good life for yourself and your countrymen.
Maybe Palestine will be different if Israel was stopped? Idk. Here's to wishful thinking
As an Australian who is 44 years old and in no way fit for service, I am enlisting with the reserve unit here.
It's nothing like full military service but it does teach how to use basic weapons, mechanics and logistics.
If America does what we're all thinking they're going to do then Australia will possibly come under threat from china (and possibly America)
As much as I hate the idea, one thing is true: every 100 years or so we need to fight for our freedom. Some people have never stopped and others like myself have been incredibly lucky but unfortunately, it looks like volunteering is gonna be the only way forward if we want to have a future without the American hegemony
As a straight man I also want the bottom Tesla
Is ddg on mobile just a facade and still uses google?
It's an oldie but a goodie
I know. I get that they're stupid but I know people in Australia that truly believe "we've gone too far left" which I still don't understand but, claiming that LGBTQ people are an actual THREAT? this is next level. This is when innocent people die for extremely dumb reasons.
In the chorus, yes. It's the name of the song.
Make your dreams a reality
How the hell are gay people a threat? Does the MAGAts base actually believe this?
Greed is our evolutionary dead end