Dull Men's Club
An unofficial chapter of the popular Dull Men's Club.
1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of "discuss" rarely comply with this rule.
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5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.
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Why is this not an AMA?
Seriously impressive stuff here.
What’s it like walking around with a dick that big?
The Chosen One!
We need to make a throne ... like the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones ... but made out of USB cables
That's nothing, I tried to plug a USB-C in the other day and failed.
Pics or GTFO
Why you lying?
No one has ever lied on the internet eyes rolling at the speed of light
My eyes can only see at the speed of light sadly.
It was ‘this 🐟 big!’
Whoa there. That's too much excitement for this comm.
Not to be "that guy" but I've never understand this issue. A usb has two distinguished sides that look different from one another one side goes plug in top up and vice versa
Looks like you never used any usb devices. /s
Yeah, and most of the time, the usb ports are designed to the same orientation too.
Try plugging a USB in without looking at the device first. That's what most people do.
X to doubt
DULL mens club..
Get that exciting once-in-a-lifetime shit out of this sub
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
Given the improbability of plugging it in on the first try, I'm going to need to see some proof.
Even when it's first hand knowledge, I don't believe it. I plug in the usb plug. I pull it out reflexively. I try again, it doesn't go in, I confuse, I turn I try again, fail, I turn back, is ok.
Probably could have used the gru plan meme there somehow
What? Impossible!
Probability for that is 1:3, because usually it's "doesn't fit" *flip* "doesn't fit" *flip* "fits" .
Buy a lottery ticket before your divine fortune wears off.
Why is this posted here??????? Legend!!!!
I just check the port and plug in accordingly, I can't remember the last time I didn't plug it in on the first try.
My fixed wall-mounted flat screen tv just chuckled.
It was turned off.
Sounds like a good time to murder it before it becomes sentient.
Pics or it didn't happen!
I bought one yesterday and tried it for the first done in a while after being all in on C
First try — yeah that’s definitely wrong. Rotate and try again, huh? Rotate again and it worked.
I don’t understand, my first try I made sure to check and push. USB A has the craziest quantum macro phenomena.
“All you have to do” is look closely at the plug and see which side has the seam. Then look at the port and figure out which way the circuit board is using your x-ray vision. The seam, 99.9% of the time, points to the circuit board. If you’ve got at least 3 minutes to spare each time, you’ll usually get it right.
My trick is to keep all the USB-A stuff plugged into an USB-C hub at all times. Then I just plug in that one.
Say what you will about type B, they have a distinct top
I have NEVER been able to do this. It always takes me 3 tries. Bravo sir.
I’ll need some proof before I can believe this. Show us this “plugged in” connection.
This is good evidence that the simulation is failing. Maybe need to reset the container.
Buy a lotto ticket.