I'm curious about that boxy looking part connecting to metal to the wooden shaft...
Illustrations of history
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It's where the javelin's head is riveted to the shaft. Not sure why they connected it that way.
Because it's much easier to firmly clamp something between 2 flat pieces of wood than between round ones?
I don't know no fancy physics or engineering concepts, I am but a lowly humanities major 😔
... I'm also not very handy around the house
it's quick to attach and easy to break, leaving the prong in the victim. easy to gather and refit for the next battle.
Maybe so they break when they land to prevent the enemy from throwing them back at you?
Ahh yes, but only two are aimed at or dangerously close to me.
But your 40 close friends might also have opinions
Who tf has 40 close friends in this economy (which is good or Rome wouldn't be visiting)?
(which is good or Rome wouldn’t be visiting)
I just want you to know I literally laughed at that
Pax* Romana is the consequence of good economy!