I have a pregnant co worker who is due early next month. To my knowledge she has no set leave date, though this week could be her last. We work remotely. Our work material is entirely computer based.
This week she decided that she wasn’t going to be doing her work items and set the expectation that those covering during her leave should start this week. She is still logging on daily.
It makes sense for those that maybe had to learn new tasks and might want input or support. In my personal case I had nothing new to learn and am very familiar with the work I am covering for her.
I pushed back on work she expected me cover early in the week and am now in a stand off waiting for her to reach out and tell me I need to do another of her tasks. When I pushed back I said that I assumed she was online so everything was as normal.
I feel a little heartless pushing back and asking her to continue to do her own work but at the same time why log on if you have no intent to do any work? It is not something that I would do or expect of my co workers. I only rely on the coverage of others if I am not able to do the work myself.
So tell me…am I being heartless here or do I have a little ground to stand on?