I have a friend who well call lily (not real name). She is a playfull person who gets offended easily. I usually don’t and even if I do, I don’t show it usually. Last week when we left school and was waiting for the bus. I realized the bus was late. I told my friend to check if the bus was canceled. She said she doesn’t know how and I should check it. I reached for my phone but it wasn’t there. I panicked like hell. I just bought that phone which was fairly expensive for our family. I started panicking and looking for it. My bag,pockets,floor everywhere I could think of. I was on the verge of tears and I have to say that I have heart problems and I don’t take this stuff well. Especially when I forgot to take my medicine that day. I felt like I was going to faint,my heart was pumping out of my chest. I was so bad that I was going to call an ambulance. And she knows that I have heart problems and I’m on medication. So I just rushed back to school hoping I forgot it in class or dropped it somewhere. Then she called my name and took the phone out of her pocket. I snapped and took the phone immediately. I started yelling so loud that the whole street could hear me. She told me to stop and it was just a prank.We didnt talked for the rest of the day. She didnt apologized but I did. I’m wondering if I overreacted. Did I do the right thing by apologizing? Maybe she should have apologized not me. I need some opinion.