Yes but only because that piece of shit truck is so badly designed a sticker will ruin the finish
A place to post your Cybertruck fails!
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The truck is ruining the sticker, you mean.
“Truck” being applied rather liberally to what basically amounts to a portable biohazard dump.
Damn, where do I get some of those? I also want those obnoxious “Trump did that!” stickers for the gas pumps and eggs, like they did with Biden
Nope, just a safety label.
Is this vandalism?
Yes, and it's cool
People are cool
It's only vandalism if they used superglue to permanently glue the sticker on there. Not trying to give anyone ideas or anything.
Yes, it's vandalism, but it's hilarious at the same time.
Sure are a lot of people offended by the implications here. 😶 Fuck Elon, fuck Trump, and fuck all the individual Nazis. They deserve infinitely worse than stickers.
Oh look, Matt Wallace is a little shitstirring sycophant what a surprise
Where can I get that sticker? I need to cover some Biden ones at the gas station
Carve it into the bumper next time like Aldo from Inglorious Bastards
What's wrong about vandalism? No, I am serious, people use vandalism as a proxy to name every action they do not like. Fuck this. Vandalism for me is equal as destruction of property. Is sticker a destruction? No. Is paint on sculpture of long dead bastard a vandalism? Still no.
it's not vandalism. it's a free upgrade 😂