I'm here to boycott the USA, not to shill for Russia
I agree that there may be a case of cops going beyond the law. I only looked into this since the Canada feed has about 4+ articles talking about this guy with very little details. A 2 second search shows he's basically a Russian agent.
This guys entire twitter feed is him harassing people for views....
I see a lot of posts about this guy but a quick scroll of his twitter sees him defending Russia and Belerus. Opposing Canada helping Ukraine, etc. Seems like a lot of red flags on this dude.
It's funny either way
Hard pass for me due to the author, he's a real jerk.
3:16 and Mothership as a Gm. Always eager to try whatever else people in my group want to run.
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle. Some of the dialogue feels a bit dated but so far I'm enjoying it.
The First Law by Joe Abercrombie. It deals with political struggles and empires clashing but not the end of the world. The characters are definitely more flawed and relatable at times.
Canada has underfunded its military for decades. Now that we have a powerful neighbour talking about anexing us, we really should start funding it more.
If you're running a sandbox, you just need to review a bit ahead of the party in the various dungeons.
Anyone know a good Canadian Shampoo? I spent some time trying to find one and the best I could get was l'oreal for men, French company but it isn't clear where it's made.