I probably get a little too invested in how my journal looks but for me that's part of the process. I create digital art journal pages so I can rearrange and resize things until I like the way they look.
Journaling Just Works
A place to discuss anything related to keeping a journal, a diary, a planner, a bullet journal, art/junk journal. Productivity, self-help, mindfulness, memory-keeping, creativity, project management or any other purpose.
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I probably get a little too invested in how my journal looks but for me that’s part of the process.
I can understand that.
I create digital art journal pages so I can rearrange and resize things until I like the way they look.
That's one reason I try to not do that: I'm afraid I would spend all my time making it look better and never actually finish it working it. For anyone reading this that would also be in digital, do you have any suggestions to put a (time?) limit on that kind of faffing around?
Also, do you a specific journaling app that let you do all you want, or some image editing software?
I use a different app for the layout, but I count messing about with it as a separate hobby. I find it relaxing by itself so it’s become an important part of the process.
I don't mind my journal being messy. I don't make it look it so (save the first page, like I already explained) but shits do happen and I also do a lot of mistakes or I will strike something and so on. That's fine for me. But I must also say I can also appreciate when I can see pictures of others 'nice' journals. It's just, I don't need to feel that for my own journal.
I don't care if my journal pages are perfect, but I do mind if the ink/lead smudges, as that almost undermines the whole point of writing in them to begin with. This reminded me I need to note the ink/lead details to better pick what to use that hopefully shouldn't smudge as much.
For markers and fountain pens alike I would say paper matters a lot with ink, probably more than the ink itself. also, so-called wet writers (pens that live a lot of ink on the page will need a little more time to dry, that's why many fountain pen user will use blotter paper to dry the ink instantly.