Well that is great news.
I killed my pebble a few years ago. I tried a few others, currently wearing a bangle.js which is ok, but it isn't as good as my old pebble.
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Well that is great news.
I killed my pebble a few years ago. I tried a few others, currently wearing a bangle.js which is ok, but it isn't as good as my old pebble.
Holy crap! Didn't think I'd see Pebble in the news again any time soon!
That's awesome
Hell ya! I just found mine too!
Has Migicovsky said anything Beepy 2.0 lately, or is it basically a dead project at this point?
Same specs? Fuck that, pebble 2 came out in like 2018
Give us a better processor and month long battery life plz
What kind of power computing do you want to do on a watch ? It'd be so wasteful to put super advanced chips in those, honesty a really bad mindset
In this case "better" corresponds with "newer". With newer chips being on newer process nodes, they are likely to have better efficiency, giving the watch better battery life.